miSci Presents Summer Classes June 27 through August 19, 2022 for Kids Grades K–5

Subjects Include Dinosaurs, Chemistry, Animals, Astronomy, Climate Change, and Nanotechnology

Schenectady, NY (April 4, 2022) – Today the Museum of Innovation and Science (miSci) announced that it will present eight weeks of onsite Summer Classes for children in grades K–5 from Monday, June 27, through Friday, August 19, 2022. Classes cover a variety of STEAM-related topics including physics and design nanotechnology, climate change, chemistry, astronomy, and dinosaurs. Activities include exhibit guided tours, outdoor games, Planetarium shows, and science demonstrations.

The complete lineup is as follows:

Dino Discovery 
Monday, June 27 – Friday, July 1
What happened to the dinosaurs? Participants try out real techniques used by paleontologists and discover how much can be learned from ancient fossils. Explore the prehistoric world of dinosaurs from existence to extinction and see what they can teach us about life today.

Earth, Climate, Action! 
Tuesday, July 5 – Friday, July 8
Learn about the ground we stand on, how it moves and how it is studied. Participants discover the science of planetary life, explore bodies of water, evaluate how human actions can impact Earth’s climate and discover potential next steps for humankind.

Potion Commotion 
Monday, July 11 – Friday, July 15
Through chemistry-themed experiments, participants learn about acids and bases and experiment with the stretch and squish of polymers. Young chemical engineers also experiment with different mixtures, gather data, and create impressive bubble-making solutions.

From the Moon to Mars 
Monday, July 18 – Friday, July 22
Students learn all about planet Earth’s closest celestial neighbor and the planet Mars. Through hands-on experiments, young astronomers will experience and observe some of the effects of space travel on the human body while solving a series of science-based challenges related to living and doing research on the Moon and Mars.

Design Lab 
Monday, July 25 – Friday, 29
Theme parks, video games, and music are full of science. Students explore physics, patterns, variables, and ratios used by digital designers, engineers, and musicians. By solving real-world challenges, participants discover how physics and math can be used to create and design.

Animal Adventure 
Monday, August 1 – Friday, August 5
Study all types of animals, past and present! Dig like a paleontologist and learn how organisms lived and died. Explore what animals eat, how they move, and where they live. Find a new appreciation for bugs and take what you learn home with you by becoming a citizen scientist.

Nanotechnology: It’s a Small World! 
Monday, August 8 – Friday, August 12
The smallest things around us make an enormous difference. Through hands-on experiments and demonstrations, young nanotechnologists learn how things at the nanoscale act in unexpected ways, and how nanotechnology is used in everyday products like computers, food, medicine, and clothing.

Stellar Explorers 
Monday, August 15 – Friday, August 19
Learn about constellations and how they were used to both navigate and tell time. Throughout the week, participants learn about the different objects that appear in the night sky, create models showing how these objects form in deep space, and build some of the same astronomical tools that allowed people to travel across the oceans hundreds of years ago.

Click here for information and to register:

Summer Classes are presented separately for students entering grades K–2, and for students entering grades 3–5. Students may register for a full week of classes, single full day classes, or single morning classes. Extended care is available on a weekly basis, before class from 8:30 to 9 a.m. and after class from 4 to 5 p.m., for $50 per week.

Full Weeks of Classes: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., fee $295
Single Full Day Classes: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. fee $59
Single Morning Classes: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., fee $40

About miSci
Located in Schenectady, New York, miSci presents exhibitions, programs, and events designed with its mission in mind: to inspire people to celebrate and explore science and technology – past, present, and future. Home to the Challenger Learning Center and the Suits-Bueche Planetarium, the Museum's holdings include an archive of more than 1.6 million prints, negatives, and historic materials from the General Electric Photographic Collection, and more than 15,000 objects relating to the history of science and technology. Visit to learn more.

Press Contact
Adam Husted
(518) 382-7890, ext. 297
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