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Super-Rejuvenating Herbal Bath that Prevents Breakouts 


By Dr. Agnes Olszewski




When was the last time you took a nice, relaxing bath?  Especially one that can prevent breakouts in order to maintain clear skin?  Having trouble thinking back that far?  Yes, I know!  The number one excuse I usually hear is that there just aren't enough hours in the day. But if you take a serious look at your schedule, and designate 10-30 minutes once a week for "me" time, you'll be very happy you did it, believe me.  Here's why...


This super-rejuvenating bath uses a powerful combination of herbs and essential oils that relax and sooth the nervous system, easing mental and emotional strain.  And the warm moisture derived from the mixture cleans the pores and moisturizes the skin in order to keep the skin clean and prevent breakouts.  


Using herbs like this in an herbal bath allows the essential oils from the plants to be taken in through the pores of the skin, which are opened up by the warmth of the water.  Excess sebum is removed and the herbal ingredients with these cleansing properties are then able to clean your pores to prevent them from being clogged (which could be the beginning of a breakout!).  You will also get a more powerful effect since the herbs are being inhaled and going directly in to your pores.


Try doing it on a Sunday when you're getting ready to start your week...


What you will need:


- 1 or 2 essential oils (any combination of lavender, thyme, chamomile and/or lime flowers) 

- bath tub full of water (not hot, warm)


What to do:


Add 5-10 drops of essential oil(s) to the water.  The larger the tub, use closer to 10 drops.  The water should be warm, not hot, comfortable enough to submerge your body.  I want you to feel as much relaxation as possible, but please watch that you don't nod off or fall asleep!  Relax in the bath for 10-30 minutes depending on the time you have.  Repeat weekly. 


So get ready to de-stress, keep your skin looking great long-term and even reconnect with your loved one. *wink wink*


We have also found that those who are on AcnEase to treat acne see the best results when they take this bath let me know how it works for you.  


Happy Bathing!



PS - I welcome the opportunity to get to know you better, so if you have any questions, or just want to say "Hi", please come over to see me on Facebook. I would love to converse face-to-face.


If you want to talk in 140 characters, you can find me here!  




Dr. Agnes Olszewski, CEO of Herborium, natural health expert

"My work in China in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector, and my personal experience while growing up in Europe, inspired me to develop Herborium�, a novel Botanical Therapeutics� company, based on a new, innovative healthcare concept that combines science and nature. Our approach has already been proven up to 95% effective in our acne treatment, AcnEase�.  Not only do I focus on developing botanical based medicinal products that are helpful in treatment, prevention and management of different heath conditions, but also on educating the public about the values and dangers of natural medicine. "   






One Bridge Plaza N - Suite 275  Fort Lee, NJ  07024 
  (800) 399-4164  |  [email protected]


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