Local San Diego Company
Worldwide Leader in Manufacturing
The company we built this space for has requested their name to remain anonymous for this publication and for confidentiality purposes. Headquartered in the Kearny Mesa area of San Diego, Prevost Construction recently completed a 15,336 sf creative office for a worldwide leader in manufacturing. The space features an open concept ceiling with acoustical and drywall clouds. Their collaborative office environment features many high-end finishes including folding glass partition doors for the conference rooms, pendant lighting, specialty millwork and techzone ceilings throughout. The architect is Michelle Arnold-Kush of Safdie Rabines Interiors and the Prevost Team includes Brian Skinner as Project Manager, Roger Shadwell as Superintendent, and Raquel Varjabedian as Project Coordinator. If you would like to learn more information about our work at for this space, please contact Brian Skinner at
Zest Anchors
Prevost Construction was recently awarded the Zest Anchors tenant improvement project in Carlsbad, CA. Zest Anchors is a global leader and pioneer in the design and manufacturing of overdenture attachments. This project will feature 45,000 sf of newly built office and lab space, including a Class 10,000 cleanroom to accommodate Zest Anchor's complex dental laboratory. The project is slated to be complete by the end of May. The architect is Kim Stone of Ware Malcomb. The Prevost team consists of Mike Soth as Sr. Project Manager, Roger Shadwell as Superintendent and Susanna Bingham as Project Engineer. If you would like to learn more about our work at Zest Anchors, please contact Mike Soth at
The Agile Business Model
I was recently reading an article in Forbes magazine where they stated that over the last ten years, 70 percent of companies on the Fortune 1000 list have become irrelevant, replaced by competitors, or have just plain disappeared altogether. Shocking as that may sound, it is actually not all that surprising given the speed of technology advancements, market volatility, and the new age of digital disruption that has descended upon business owners in the past ten years. "Adapt or die." "Change is the only constant." "Progress is impossible without change." Pick your favorite phrase and it all points to an ever-changing landscape of disorganized chaos coming at us from every direction at an increasing rate of speed. Organizations need to be adaptable, forward thinking, and courageous. The standard mindset of having a "competitive advantage" no longer ensures long term success and has lulled many business leaders into a false sense of security. Just ask any former Blackberry or Blockbuster Video executive. The primary concept for every business to integrate into their corporate DNA in the 21st Century is Organizational Agility.
Companies that embrace unpredictable market conditions and operational change as a routine instead of a distraction, are beginning to differentiate themselves form those who don't.  When Prevost Construction re-aligned their core values in 2012, Agility was the first value that became the cornerstone of how the employees would behave when faced with a challenge. Whether it is organizational change, a process change, or overall changes in market conditions, our employees know they must act quickly and decisively in challenging situations, while being adaptable and forward thinking in an ever-changing landscape. In our vision to provide the Amazing Customer Experience, every employee understands that we must lead with agility, follow through with expertise, and execute our daily tasks with an attitude of ownership. Take a look at our Core Values here.

Another equally important behavior that has to be at the forefront of any Agility campaign is responsiveness. Let's face it; you love it when people are responsive. Whether it's your food or drinks that come out quickly at a restaurant, the quick reply to an email or missed call, or when a live person helps you over the phone instead of the "automated attendant". We want the answer faster than ever before and we have no patience for waiting a long time for it. Consumers are growing more impatient. The marketplace is filled with multiple competitive options just waiting for you to make a mistake, or even worse, create the impression that the customer is not important because you made them wait too long for the answer, the product, or the service experience they were expecting. If you are a service provider in today's economy and you earn the reputation for being unresponsive, you can almost ensure the customers you serve will find it elsewhere.

At Prevost Construction, every employee clearly understands these virtues and will strive to create an Amazing experience on every project by incorporating Agility, Expertise, and Ownership into their daily interactions with customers, colleges, and peers. What's going to happen in the market in 2016, 2017, and beyond? Who will be elected for president this year? What changes are coming to your industry in the coming years? More chaos and volatility is coming our way for sure! Will you be ready when your organizational agility is tested? 

Extraordinary execution is not possible without employee excellence. Our employees are expected to perform at their highest level in order to deliver our customers with a positive experience that is remembered long after the project is complete. Our employees must demonstrate ownership, hold themselves to a higher standard, and take pride in their work. We love celebrating our Office and Field employees with Eagle Of Excellence Awards at our quarterly All-Hands Meetings. These employees go above and beyond with providing our customers with an Amazing Customer Experience.

In recognition for your continuous dedication to Prevost's Core Values and your commitment to exemplifying Employee Excellence. Your agility and expertise is evident in all that you do, helping build bonds internally and externally, every day. 
Courtney Fox | Project Engineer | Office

Most Memorable Moment At Prevost? 

"I love attending industry events with my co-workers, like the CREW Golf Tournament and NAIOPalooza. Not only do I have a lot of fun with my co-workers, but it is an excellent way to meet more people in the industry."
Matt Correira | Superintendent | Field

Most Memorable Moment At Prevost? 

"I love the Prevost environment and culture as a whole. I appreciate Jamie's "open door" policy and how approachable he is. There is no feeling of a hierarchy, but rather we are all in this together on the same level with the same goal. I love how we all bounce ideas off of each other as a team."
In the field, we are excited to welcome aboard Tim Frazee, our new Field Superintendent! Also joining the Prevost Team are Toney Macpherson, Thayre Johnson Jr.Gabriel Gonzalez, Eric Maldonado and Hector Abarca, our new Assistant Superintendents.

Ryan Hendricks, a seasoned Prevost Assistant Superintendent, is moving into the office to start learning the ropes in becoming a Project Coordinator. We are confident that Ryan will excel in his new position and are looking forward to working with him the office!

We would also like to welcome our new Senior Project Engineer in our Bio-Tech division, Frank Palumbo!
Tim, Toney, Thayre, Gabriel, Eric, Hector, Ryan and Frank are committed to maintaining Prevost Construction's high industry standards, as well as continuing to develop their long-term client relationships in San Diego. We look forward to many years of success working with them all!

We want to work with you! If you would like to inquire about any potential business development opportunities or Lunch and Learn's with Prevost Construction, please contact Business Development Manager, Taylor Prevost, at

For the past 26 years, Prevost has completed a number of landmark construction projects in the San Diego area. We specialize in all areas of commercial tenant improvements including: Class A Office/corporate office environments, life science/bio-tech facilities, building re-imaging, retail/food service, R&D manufacturing and ground up & built-to-suit.

Since 1989, Prevost has provided expert guidance in the management of the construction process and carefully conducts each project from conception to completion with one goal in mind - an  amazing customer experience!
Prevost Construction 
 400 South Sierra Avenue | Suite 201
Solana Beach, CA 92075
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