May 2020
Dear Friends:

At the Price Center, we are working hard to adapt many of our current projects to better serve online communities. This month, we held our first Neighborhood Data for Social Change training online, bringing new tools and data capabilities to partners across Los Angeles. Through the  Homelessness Policy Research Institute , we also held a virtual research symposium discussing how the current pandemic is affecting our unhoused neighbors.

There is still much more to do and we remain eager to continue collaborating with our partners to help our collective communities. I welcome your thoughts, ideas, and questions and can be reached directly at  if you would like to connect.


Gary Painter 
Director, USC Price Center for Social Innovation
Director, Homelessness Policy Research Institute
NDSC Community Training: Join us online!

The Neighborhood Data for Social Change (NDSC) platform is a user-friendly digital tool that provides access to reliable, aggregated data at the neighborhood level. NDSC research staff host free monthly trainings to the public. In the span of just one hour, participants learn how to access data for specific neighborhoods and cities within Los Angeles County, understand why specific data sets are important, and conceptualize data stories to better tell the stories of their communities.

Trainings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. The next training will be held on June 17th from 12:00-1:00 over Zoom.
Join us for Our Next Price Talk

Building an Inclusive Post COVID-19 Economy for Unemployed Youth

Wednesday, June 10, 2020
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. PST


Gary Painter , Professor, Chair of the Department of Public Policy, Director of the Sol Price Center for Social Innovation and Director of the Homelessness Policy Research Institute

Jeffery Wallace , President and CEO of LeadersUp
2020 Top Los Angeles County Public Schools

The USC Sol Price Center for Social Innovation partnered with Innovate Public Schools and the USC Center on Education Policy, Equity, and Governance to produce the 2 020 Top  Los Angeles  County Public Schools  report. This annual report highlights the schools that are beating the statewide average for low-income Latino or African American students in one or more factors including math and reading scores. 
Catalyzing Local Police Reform with Data

A new blog and report from the Urban Institute describes a new typology based on multiple aspects of policing that reveals a relationship between resident-initiated and police initiated activity in Los Angeles and explored how that relationship varied across neighborhoods. It is our hope that this report, and our work through the NDSC Criminal Justice Data Initiative , will help improve relationships between police and community, and ultimately prevent the tragic deaths of people like George Floyd and so many other people of color disproportionately impacted by our criminal justice system.

The analysis was conducted as part of a collaboration with Urban’s National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership, the Microsoft Criminal Justice Reform team, the Microsoft Data Science and Analytics team, and the University of Southern California’s Sol Price Center for Social Innovation.
NDSC Data story: Education and Distance Learning in the Time of COVID-19

COVID-19 has affected millions of people and has restructured the way we interact with the world around us, including making it unsafe to go out in public and even be around loved ones. Los Angeles County has taken the COVID-19 threat seriously and began imposing restrictions on movement and public gatherings in the second week of March.

Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and other districts across the county have chosen to follow state guidelines and close their doors in the hopes of protecting children and their families from the virus’ spread. Yet LAUSD estimates that 25% of their students do not have access to the internet and that 10% of households do not own a computer. This lack of equity is called the homework gap and is the focus of NDSC's most recent data story. Read about the issue and efforts to close this gap below.
NDSC COVID-19 Data Map Sheds Light on Cases, Vulnerabilities in LA County

In order to help our community better understand where cases of COVID-19 exist within Los Angeles County, as well as the underlying vulnerabilities faced by Los Angeles residents, the USC Price Center for Social Innovation has created the  NDSC COVID-19 Map  within the Neighborhood Data for Social Change platform.

Visit  to view the map, and follow the Neighborhood Data for Social Change  @NDSC_LA.
Housing the Unsheltered:
Lessons for the Current Pandemic

On Tuesday, May 26th, The  Homelessness Policy Research Institute   held to a virtual research seminar on current issues surrounding encampments and the unsheltered population. Participants included Lauren Dunton, Senior Associate, Abt Associates, Amy Turk, Chief Executive Officer of the Downtown Women’s Center, Dr. Jill Khadduri, Principal Associate, Social & Economic Policy at Abt Associates, Stephanie Klasky-Gamer, President and CEO, LA Family Housing, and Gary Painter, Director of the Price Center for Social Innovation and the  Homelessness Policy Research Institute .
COVID-19 Threatens A New Eviction Crisis

Huffington Post - Written by Michael Hobbes
Wednesday, June 10
@ 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Price Talk: Building an Inclusive Post COVID-19 Economy for Unemployed Youth
Wed, June 17
@ 12:00 - 1:00pm
For more information on events, please email Events & Administrative Coordinator Stacia Fewox at
The USC Price Center for Social Innovation develops ideas and illuminates strategies to improve the quality of life for people in low-income urban communities.


Contact Megan Goulding, Director of External Relations, at (213) 821-1761 or

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