On behalf of the Discernment Committee, I wanted to thank you for your patience and
understanding about the need for confidentiality around the discernment for a Priest in
Charge. We are grateful for your constant words of encouragement and prayers of
We have felt the Holy Spirit at work, and I am pleased to report that we continue to work hard to vet the incredible slate of candidates that we have received. We have evaluated written applications, held Zoom interviews, performed follow-up interviews, and have entered the final phase of in-person visits to our beautiful church.
These in-person visits include eating meals together, holding extended interviews,
having question and answer sessions, taking a tour of our building, and performing a
private Holy Eucharist and a homily for the Discernment Committee. It is fair to say that we are excited about our finalists.
Barring any unexpected developments, which are admittedly always possible, we
anticipate presenting our recommendation to the Vestry by the end of April or early May.
Lastly, I wanted to thank my fellow committee members: Susan Hankins, Debra Cole,
Megan Lecky, Harold Williams, Courtney Scottow, and Chase Peak. They have devoted considerable time and energy into ensuring a thorough and thoughtful process of discernment. They each bring a unique skillset and perspective that has been
invaluable to our work and has effectively represented our entire parish. It has been a
pleasure discerning with them.
Thank you again for your continued love, support, prayers, and encouragement.
Clay Hilbert
Chairperson of the Priest-in-Charge Discernment Committee