Greeting! What a busy start to 2024! Youth Basketball at our county’s Recreation Center has ended, and our girls were on the championship winning teams! As the year started, we hesitated for our girls to play on the all-boy teams, but it turned out so well. They had to play on the boy's teams because there were not enough girls playing to form their own recreation league teams in our county. We know there is an all-out assault on girls' sports across this country. Our county does not face the same issues as many, but parents must make an effort to encourage kids to be active, participate in something new, become part of a team, and parents must be willing to give up their own time for it! I strongly encourage those in this county to check out our Parks & Rec. They have many programs to promote movement for all ages!

Primary Day, which equals Election Day in a county where the entire ballot is filled with those on the Republican ticket, is tomorrow. I purposely decided not to attempt to obtain statements from the candidates this year. If you've been around since 2021, you know that in 2022, we had almost the entire ballot providing statements. I sent those statements to you through this newsletter. We had a good idea of where they all stood, and I was extremely grateful for the engagement of each of those 2022 candidates. 

I had so many people contact me this year to tell me who we needed to vote for that I decided not to speak about it until today's email. If you follow me on social media, you know that one race I have discussed is for the next Governor of NC. Having access to a candidate speaks volumes. Understanding the policy positions, having a clear plan for NC, and having a proven record of getting things done for the people of NC, not just excellent, emotionally charged speeches, should be at the top for all North Carolinians. After years of stalemates and complete inaction in the General Assembly, seeing the fear of the Governor's veto pen play out in real-time, it's time for the elected in NC to get to work for the people. Regardless of tomorrow’s outcome at the poles I look forward to continuing to help in the ways I can.

I have included the sample ballot for those in NC who have yet to cast an early vote. You should be asked for your ID to vote. Reminder: just because someone endorses a candidate that does not equal YOU voting for them! It's easier than ever to go to candidates' websites or social media pages ( if they don’t have one that should be a no vote IMO), reach out directly to them, ask your neighbors, etc. Simply listening to someone who previously held the position or even the previous President of the United States is not the most reliable source for information. If you are 100% content with everything and see no need for new ideas or leadership, keeping with the status quo may be for you. 

Today was the last day to submit comments for the new rule that was proposed to the North Carolina Department of Labor for Airborne Infectious Diseases. If you are not familiar with this please take a few minutes to read my Substack, it’s free.

So many of you receiving this update are not located in NC, thanks for sticking with me on this one. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions on steps to recognizing and reducing toxins on your family's wellness path. Check out my website for a list of vendors that will bring value to your family! I appreciate each one of you and look forward to speaking, or seeing you, in the future.

Don’t forget about the Holding Cross Program for any child who needs Olive Wood Cross direct from the Holy Land. You can sign up a child to receive a cross, donate to that program or purchase a cross yourself.

If you are on social networks please make sure to follow me there, linked below.

In Solidarity,


Davie County, North Carolina

Sample Ballet

Local Spring Events!

Young Entrepreneurs Event 

March 23, 2024

Kid Vendor Event 10a-4p

Please come out and support each one of these young entrepreneurs! We are working hard to prep our booth and really hope to see you there!

FB Event Link for The Station 


April 19-21, 2024

Moving to Mocksville, a weekend of all things cycling!!

Vendor Event will be April 20th 9a-6p

Hope to see you there!

NC Cycle Festival Website 

Daniel Boone Festival

May 4, 2024

Vendor Event 10a-5p

We will be there for the 3rd year in a row with educational books and toys!

FB Event Link for Downtown Mocksville 


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