Prince of Peace Anaheim | September 8, 2022

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God’s Plan for Disciple-making

For Us


Jesus is in the disciple-making business, and discipleship is not just for the chosen few. it’s for everyone who would follow Jesus – it’s for you and me too. Right after His baptism, signaling the beginning of His public ministry, Jesus gathered men and women who would “follow” Him and sit at His feet to learn. Jesus personally called 12 men to become His students, men who would sit at His feet as pupils to be taught by the one who was sent from heaven and who spoke with divine authority. Jesus opened their minds to understand the Scriptures and how the entirety of the Old Testament pointed to His birth, life, death, and resurrection in order to give forgiveness of sins, peace with God, and eternal life for all who would believe in Him. 


Those 12 disciples were the core and the beginning of all those who would follow our Lord. Right before Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave his disciples a command, “make disciples.” The disciples were to make disciples, but how? And who? For how long? 


Let’s let our Lord answer these questions. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:19-20). 


1. A disciple’s faith is fixed on Jesus. Jesus’s command to baptize is the first step in disciple-making. Why? Baptism points our faith from ourselves and onto Jesus. Baptism is what God does to us not what we do for God. Baptism is where God gives us a new identity as His child who now belongs to His family. Baptism delivers to us what Christ has won for us through His death and resurrection. A disciple’s eye of faith is fixed on Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith. This disciple-making is for “all nations.” God doesn’t discriminate; discipleship is open to all ages, to males and females, to all people from every part of the earth. Christ died for all, so all are invited to a life of “following” Jesus. 


2. A disciple is a learner. Baptism is the initiation of discipleship, learning marks the life of a baptized follower of Christ. Notice how “teaching” is a continual activity. A disciple never grows out of being a “learner.” This is what Peter meant when he wrote, “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation” (1 Peter 2:2). How easy it is to fall into the thinking and practice of “I don’t need to learn anymore. I’ve read the Bible cover to cover. I’ve been to enough Bible studies. I’ll learn on my own. I have already studied that Bible book. I know what I believe and don’t need to learn anything new.” 


Disciples are made, actually they are continually being made, because they are to be continually learning all that our Lord Jesus has taught. It’s not so much about learning information as it is about the Holy Spirit continuing to convict us of our shortcomings and building us up in the faith delivered to us in our baptism. The Word of God is rich and active and is the source of strength and life of a disciple. How are you growing and learning? How is your life as a disciple of Jesus? Are you a “learner?” Do you have the hunger as a little child to learn all that our Lord has to teach you? 


This is my prayer for myself and for you. This is my prayer for two 8th graders who are being baptized here at Prince of Peace on Sunday. Together, may we humble ourselves and sit ourselves at the feet of Jesus to learn from His Word. New Bible study opportunities begin again next week here at Prince of Peace.  May we never grow bored of the Scriptures and think we have no need to learn from Him. Let’s do this together. Let’s learn, and study, and pray, and share this life of discipleship together, and let’s keep making disciples of all nations. We don’t do this alone, thank God. We have a promise from Jesus as we live as His disciples and make disciples: “and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” So, with the first disciples, and all those who have followed since, make the words of Peter our prayer, to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

-Pastor Darrin Sheek


YEEHAW! The Fall Kick-off is THIS SUNDAY!

Don't miss this chance to fellowship with our wonderful POP Community.

Be sure to hear our students sing God's praises at our 10:30am Service!


Our dear friend and brother in Christ, Phil Claypool, has been called home to his Father in heaven. We are having a memorial service for Phil here, at his home church of over 50 years. You are invited by the family to attend the service with reception to follow.

Please feel free to contact the church for further information.


  • Date and Time: Saturday, September 10th @ 11:00 am
  • Location: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

1421 W. Ball Rd. Anaheim, 92802


Our Board of Evangelism has reached out to Salam Ministries to host a Lutheran outreach event for Muslim Refugees.

Please join us September 18th @ 6pm for the following event

New Books Available in the Narthex!

Add to your daily routine with some inspirational spiritual reading! The church has many different devotional and prayer books to choose from at our free literature table, located in the Narthex. We receive new editions every few months so be sure to check back frequently.

Sunday Service:
Please Join us this Sunday as we gather for worship. Service times are 8:00am & 10:30am. We are looking forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Upcoming Service: Lost Sheep

Scripture Readings: 

Service Bulletin:

Those Who Serve in Worship September 11th


8:00am: John Henderson

10:30am: Randy Cade & Steven Sarandis


8:00am: Carol Smallwood   10:30am:Randy Cade

Altar Guild

(1st, 3rd, & 5th Sunday)

8:00am: Kelly Umali  10:30am: Elaine Ghiring

Ways you Can Serve:

We are thankful for those who support our Divine Service every Sunday by filling much these needed positions. If you are interested in learning more about these roles, or how you can help during service,

Please Contact Pastor Sheek:

(949) 370-7198

Youth Worship

Children's Sunday School is held 

Every Sunday at 9:15am 

in the school building and is open to all children age 4-12. Sunday school students enjoy a Snack, Craft and Bible lesson.

Please encourage your children to try out Sunday School and maybe even bring a friend from the neighborhood!

Adult Bible Study

Sunday Morning

Bible Study

Please join us Sunday,

September 11th at 9:15am 

for coffee and discussion.

Led By: Pastor Sheek

Tuesday Morning
Bible Study

Please join us every Tuesday morning at 9:30am for coffee, fellowship and discussion.

Resumes September 13th

Led By: Elder Steven Sarandis

Topic: Revelation

Wednesday Night
Bible Study

Will resume Sept 14th!

Join us in Person or on Zoom!

Led By: Pastor Sheek

Topic: Paul's first letter to Timothy

Zoom Link:

Check The Giving Tree!


Please check out our church bulletin board for some items needed by our teachers and church staff. Our giving tree is an opportunity for our congregation to support our church, school and preschool. Please choose a blossom and turn it into either the church or school office with a donation towards your selected item, or feel free to donate the item outright if it's something you already have!

Here are some items we are in need of so far:


$40 provides 1 hour counseling session for one student


Please help our 7th/8th graders be able to attend this important trip


Hot Dot Pens


Click Here for 1st Grade Amazon Wish List


Donations towards tuition assistance


Child-Size Face Masks

Non-perishable Snacks and Small Waters

Youth Room:

Pop-A-Shot Indoor Basketball Game

Bible Verse Wall Tapestry

Character Building Wall Art

Legos or Make-it Blocks


Mini Water Bottles / Single Serve Punch Mixes

Staples Gift Cards for Office Supplies

Postage Stamps

Donuts & Coffee Fund

Worship with us Online
We are happy to be able to live stream our 8:00 am service to our YouTube Channel for those that would like to view from home. You can find a link to our services and other videos on our channel. Please Subscribe to our channel using the YouTube icon below, and click the 'Notifications Bell' to ensure you are alerted every time we post a new video. Thank You!

We thank God that our congregation remains healthy and so far, free from the Covid-19 Virus! We pray for everyone’s continued health and strength as we move forward!

• We pray for our amazing staff, teachers, students, and families at Prince of Peace that our Lord will bless, direct, and encourage them as they serve Him each and every day in the different ministries here at Prince of Peace.

• We give thanks to God for the love and financial support from the congregation as we continue to see His blessings each and every day in our ministries here at Prince of Peace.

• We pray for continued student enrollment at Prince of Peace School and Preschool and outreach efforts into the community.

• Members at Prince of Peace to grow in faith and love for one another, willing to give of our gifts and talents within the congregation, serving and sharing Christ with our neighbors, family, and friends.

• Tom Olmos – Prayers for recovery from ongoing illness.

• For Warren Carr, for strength and healing and God’s continued blessings upon him and his family.

• For John and Linda Henderson for recovery and care.

• For Jennifer Canning, family friend of Cindy Ottens, diagnosed with breast cancer.

• For healing and strength for David Beard, Father of Kelly Umali, who was diagnosed with cancer. 

• For Cynthia Cade for healing and strength.

• For Lisa Gilbertson, recovering from Pneumonia

• For Steven Sarandis for a fast and full recovery from Hip Surgery

• For the family of Phil Claypool for continued care and comfort grieving his death

If you would like to add a prayer request to this list, feel free to reply to this email or contact the church.

Let us Pray for our Member of The Week:

Warren and Christina Carr

Let us give thanks and pray for Warren and Christina for the following:

  • May our Lord continue to bless Warren and Christina with a home filled with faith and gracious love.

  • May our Lord continue to care and provide for them, and direct their days according to His goodness and mercy.

  • We give thanks for the many years Warren and Christina have served our church and school, and we pray our Lord will continue to give them a heart for service and to use them as blessings for us and others.
We Are Here For You!
Pastor Sheek And Our Elders
Pastor Sheek and our Board of Elders continue to pray for you and are here to support you during these trying times. Pastor Sheek is available any time and can be reached via email or his cell for continuing support.

Cell #: (949) 370-7198

Our Board of Elders have been reaching out and are hard at work to keep our flock in contact during this transitional time of distancing.

Staying in The Loop!

  • We have been working hard to update our member contact information. We now have our printed Church Directories, which you can pick up either in your designated mail box or at the church office.

  • Our goal is to send out a new “News and Updates” email to all of our members every week. This email highlights important upcoming events for both the church and school. You can even check out the scripture readings for upcoming Sunday Services ahead of time! Please be sure to check your emails every week.

During this time of uncertainty, your continuing support is as important as ever! There are several options for you to give this month to help our church succeed and grow in the challenging times ahead. Please consider pledging a donation on our secure donation page which can be found on our website or simply by clicking the Donate Now button below. You can also mail a check or drop off a donation to the church office at :

1421 W Ball Road
Anaheim, CA 92802

Church Office Hours:
Monday -Thursday
9:00am -2:00pm
Donate Now