Prince of Peace Anaheim | December 9, 2020
A Letter From Our Pastor

Knowing God

In our 7th and 8th grade theology class we’ve been talking about “knowing God.” How do we get to know what God is like and where do we turn? Nature, by looking at the world around us? Our feelings, trusting in what makes us feel spiritual or connected to something greater than us? Our reason, using our intellect to figure out God in a way that makes sense to us?  All of these are common ways we seek after a god, but they are no way to know the true God. 

Besides, if God left it up to us to seek after him, he’d be waiting a very, very long time. The Apostle Paul affirms this in his letter to the Romans, "None is righteous, no, not one; 11 no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside…" Rom. 3:10-12. What is God going to do with us who look every which way except towards him?  Are you ready for this? He seeks after us, first. He reveals himself to us, so we don’t need to guess about him. He paves the path for us to travel which leads faithfully to himself. 

God has removed the hidden veil that was thrown over Him when our first parents sinned in the garden. They are the ones who hid from God, remember? And we’ve been hiding from him ever since. He must come to us, to seek us out, to make himself known, to turn us around from our wandering ways, and to draw us to himself in loving relationship. God does all of this through the means of his Word and Spirit. God does not leave us to guess about who he is, what he has done, what he has promised, what he is doing, and what he will do. No, He tells us; he reveals himself to us by his Word and by his Spirit. And, God doesn’t leave us to guess how all of this relates to you; he tells us it is all “for you.” 

We need to look no further than to the babe of Bethlehem to see God’s work of coming to us.  We need to look no further than to the life of Jesus to see God’s desire to find us and draw us out of hiding once again, “for the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost” Luke 19:10. We need look no further than Christ on the cross to see God’s heart revealed to us, a heart of gracious and forgiving love poured out for you. We need not look beyond the resurrection of Jesus to see, indeed, that God has come and has conquered sin, death, and the Devil for us. 

My friends, especially in these times, it is easy to fall into the old habits of seeking after “God” in all the ways that seem right to us, yet are really paths that enable our wandering ways away from him. “Return to the Lord, your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love” (Joel 2:13). That God, his Word, his Spirit, his gifts, his Son are all here for you, that you may know him – to know that He is your God who loves you and gave himself for you that you may have life with him.  


Advent Services: Wednesday Dec 16th at 7pm
  • We have Advent services coming up, we hope you will join us!
  • Soup Suppers start at 6:00pm with service following.
  • We will be decorating the Church after our worship service and would like to invite everyone to join in on this festive occasion!

Christmas Eve Services: Thursday Dec 24th
  • We have 2 Services on Christmas Eve at 4:00pm and 7:00pm

Christmas Day Service: Friday Dec 25th
  • Christmas Day Service will be at 10am

 -Pastor Darrin Sheek

Tune into 'All is Bright!' Christmas Special on PBS
Presented by Concordia University

The following Services will be livestreamed for those unable to attend:
The church often receives extra books and study materials that we would like to pass on to you. Please visit the literature table in the Narthex to see what we have available. Please help yourself to anything that sparks your interest! 
Sunday Service:
Please Join us this Sunday as we gather for worship. Service times are 8:00am & 10:30am.

We continue to ask that congregants please practice social distancing, wear masks if desired, and be seated 6 ft apart. Hand Sanitizer will be available in the back for everyone to use. We are looking forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Upcoming Service: Prepare the way of the Lord
8:00am: John Henderson 10:30am: Steven Sarandis

8:00am: Carol Smallwood 10:30am: Randy Cade

Altar Guild
(1st, 3rd, & 5th Sunday)

8:00am: Heather Walton 10:30am: Cindy Sheek

Ways you Can Serve:

We are thankful for those who support our Divine Service every Sunday by filling much these needed positions. If you are interested in learning more about these roles, or how you can help during service,

Please Contact Pastor Sheek:
(949) 370-7198

Sunday School

We have Sunday school every week for youth of all ages! Bring your little ones to learn more about the bible.

Every Sunday at 9:15am.
Sunday Morning Bible Study

Please join us this Sunday, December 13th at 9:15am for coffee and a time of study.
Tuesday Bible Study
The Living Way Bible Study group meets every week through fall. The next study will be Tuesday, December 15th, and will be on The Gospel of Acts at 9:30am. Everyone is Welcome! We will meet in person and continue to practice social distancing. We have plenty of space so everyone can spread out! Please remember your mask or face covering to keep yourself and others safe. In the meantime, you are welcome to read ahead to get acquainted
with the scriptures.

Please check out our church bulletin board for some items needed by our teachers and church staff. Our giving tree is an opportunity for our congregation to support our school and preschool. Please choose a blossom and turn it in to either the church or school office with a donation towards your selected item, or feel free to donate the item outright if it's something you already have! Please check back frequently for new items.

Here are some items we are in need of so far:

Lysol Wipes
Travel size Tooth paste/Mouthwash
Hand Sanitizer
Copy Paper and Ink (Staples Gift Cards)
Sunday School Fund
Donuts & Coffee Fund

Child-Size Face Masks
Non-perishable Snacks and Small Waters for Emergency Supplies

Grade School:
EZ-UP Tents
8ct. Boxes of Crayola Crayons
15 Plastic Shoe Bins with Lids
Magnetic Expo Dry Erase Markers
Field Trip Fund
STEM Lab Equipment

We are once again live streaming our 8:00 am service to our YouTube Channel. You can find a link to our services and other videos on our channel. Please Subscribe to our channel using the YouTube icon below, and click the 'Notifications Bell' to ensure you are alerted every time we post a new video. Thank You!
We thank God that our congregation remains healthy and so far, free from the Covid-19 Virus! We pray for everyone’s continued health and strength as we move forward!

  • For all those separated from their families, friends, church family, and work during this health crisis, and for those suffering from Covid -19 across the globe.

  • For all those unemployed or under-employed, that their daily needs be met and their trust in our Lord, who provides, will be strengthened.

  • For our staff, teachers, students, and families at Prince of Peace, that our Lord would sustain them all through these days as we strive to continue and support the mission of our church and school.

  • Pray for continued student enrollment at Prince of Peace School and Preschool and outreach efforts into the community.

  • Members at Prince of Peace to grow in faith and love for one another, willing to give of our gifts and talents within the congregation, serving and sharing Christ with our neighbors, family, and friends.

  • Tony and Donna Beltran – Prayers for continued strength and healing.

  • Tom Olmos – Prayer for protection from the virus at his facility.

  • Lance, the husband of Linda Henderson’s sister-in-law, for healing, comfort, and care.

  •  Rev. Dr. Tom Park, for Employment.

  • Lisa Gilbertson prayers for recovery from elbow surgery

  • For Phyllis Hart prayers for recovery from shoulder surgery

  • For Warren Carr for upcoming surgery

  • For Thomas Drennan and Family as Tom is experiencing Flu-like symptoms

If you would like to add a prayer request to this list, feel free to reply to this email or contact the church.
Let us pray for our Members of The Week:
Russell Briesacker

Let us give thanks and pray for Russell for the following:

  • Pray for God's continued strength, comfort, and peace for Russell and his family

  • May our Lord to continue to nurture the faith and love Russell has for God 

  • May God continue to use Russell as a blessing for others through all the ways God has gifted him.  

Children's Christmas Program
Photo: Kindergarten Class of 1964
Have any vintage P.O.P. photos or memorabilia at home? Please bring them by the church office so we can copy them for our archive and share them!
We Are Here For You!
Pastor Sheek And Our Elders
Pastor Sheek and our Board of Elders continue to pray for you and are here to support you during these trying times. Pastor Sheek is available any time and can be reached via email or his cell for continuing support.

Cell #: (949) 370-7198

Our Board of Elders have been reaching out and are hard at work to keep our flock in contact during this transitional time of distancing.

Staying in The Loop!

  • We have been working hard to update our member contact information. We now have our printed Church Directories, which you can pick up either in your designated mail box or at the church office.

  • Our goal is to send out a new “News and Updates” email to all of our members every week. This email highlights important upcoming events for both the church and school. You can even check out the scripture readings for upcoming Sunday Services ahead of time! Please be sure to check your emails every week.

During this time of uncertainty, your continuing support is as important as ever! There are several options for you to give this month to help our church succeed and grow in the challenging times ahead. Please consider pledging a donation on our secure donation page which can be found on our website or simply by clicking the Donate Now button below. You can also mail a check or drop off a donation to the church office at :

1421 W Ball Road
Anaheim, CA 92802

Church Office Hours:
Monday -Thursday
9:00am -2:00pm