Feb. 22, 2022 Contact:
Jean Ann Collins
Communications Coordinator
(469) 952-5400 ext. 3504
Email Express for week of Feb. 21
February's "Email Express" sponsored by:
Princeton ISD is hiring. Check out all the openings on the district website at www.princetonisd.net. Click the Human Resources tab.
PISD offers voluntary COVID-19 testing for students and staff. The testing site is located at Lovelady High School, with access at the back of the school. Individuals will enter the back parking lot off Mabel. See map. Use the entrance marked C21.
Testing hours are from 7-10 a.m. daily by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, contact the campus principal or nurse. Click here to access testing consent form.
Stop by Clark Middle School on Wednesday, March 16, starting at 3:05 p.m. (while supplies last) to pick up food for your family.
Clark has partnered with the North Texas Food Bank to help the community. This means anyone can get produce and dry goods for their family. Go to the car loop by the main entrance after dismissal and volunteers will load up your car.
PISD will release early Friday, Feb. 25, for an elementary UIL contest. Schools will observe the following release schedule: PHS and Lovelady release at 12:05 p.m., buses run at 12:30 after lunch; Clark and Southard release at 12:35 p.m.; all elementary schools release at 1:30 p.m.; and Canup releases at 1:40 p.m.
Spring picture dates UPDATED
Feb. 23 Smith class picture
Feb. 24 Harper class picture
March 1 Smith spring portraits
March 2 Godwin class picture
March 15 Southard spring portraits
March 16 Lacy spring portraits
March 24 Harper spring portraits
March 29 Lowe spring portraits
March 31 Godwin spring portraits
April 12 Clark spring portraits
April 13 Canup spring portraits
April 28 Smith kinder cap and gown
May 3 Lowe kinder cap and gown
May 4 Harper kinder cap and gown
May 5 Lacy kinder cap and gown
May 9 Godwin kinder cap and gown
Board meetings are held monthly, typically on the third Monday of the month, except on months when the meeting would conflict with a school holiday. Board meetings, which are held in the board room at the administration building between Clark and the stadium, begin at 6:30 p.m. and are open to the public. The schedule for the remainder of the 2021-2022 board meetings:
Feb. 28, 2022
March 21, 2022
April 18, 2022
May 16, 2022
June 20, 2022
July 18, 2022
Normal business hours for the PISD administration building are 7:15 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. For elementary campuses, office hours are 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday, and secondary campuses are 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.
The school calendars for the next two years are available.
Click here for a copy of the 2021-2022 school calendar.
Click here for a copy of the 2022-2023 school calendar.
After three days of intense competition, Princeton debate is headed to nationals in Louisville, KY, this summer. Emily Copeland qualified in LD Debate, Savannah Brewer in Congressional Debate, Robert Arroyo and Paola Diaz in Policy Debate and Michael Batley in Original Oratory.
Several students are alternates to nationals: Chris Augustin and Michael Batley in Policy, Joey Lopez Diaz in U.S. Extemp, Jimena Gonzalez in Informative Speaking, Savannah Brewer in LD and Emily Copeland in Senate.
Debate also received three Sweepstakes Awards: Congress, Debate and Runner-Up Tournament Sweeps.
The PHS theater students are performing this year's one-act play, "Eurydice," for the public. The remaining performances will be 5:30 tonight, Feb. 22, and 5:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 28. General admission is $5 and PHS students are free.
The PHS prom will be from 7-11 p.m. Saturday, May 14, at the Collin College Conference Center followed by the after-prom party at Princeton High School. Tickets will go on sale for $60 after Spring Break.
The We Love Cheer spring clinic has returned for 2022. Hone those cheer skills as you prepare to try out to be a PISD cheerleader. Use the form link to complete registration. If you are trying out to be a member of any PISD cheer team, it's a good opportunity to brush up on skills.
Applications to be a student athletic trainer or take the introductory sports medicine class are now open. Deadline is April 8. Incoming freshmen to seniors may apply.
For parents of students interested in dual credit classes for the 2022-2023 school year, counselors will host a virtual information night at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 24. Details below:
Originally, it was planned to use Google Meets; however, plans changed to ZOOM.
All details are below.
Join Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 955 4636 5989
Passcode: 114880
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
This meeting will be recorded and posted to the PHS counseling website.
If you have any questions, reach out to your student's school counselor.
FFA has experienced success at several shows.
San Antonio
Chloe Frohock - 9th-place goat - auction qualifier
Chloe Frohock - 5th-place lamb - auction qualifier
San Angelo
Mason Hovind - 2nd-place pig - auction qualifier
Adam Campbell - 7th-place pig
Jacob Hovind - 6th-place pig
Any student driver needing a parking permit for the 2021-2022 school needs to complete the Google form while logged in to their school email account or use the QR code.
Ford Motor Company, along with McKinney’s Bob Tomes Ford, sent representatives to speak to Princeton auto tech students to discuss employment opportunities and the automotive career path.
Riley Sullivan, Anna Bewley
The Princeton High School FCCLA team had a great competition in Waco.
Those who attended include, adviser Alesha Rogers, Raylee Cave, A.J. Gonzales, Anna Bewley, Riley Sullivan, front row, Megan Edwards, Jeanette Diercoff, Anashayla Munoz and Zach Montalvo.
Zach Montalvo will be going to state to complete the culinary arts math test.
Megan Edwards placed 3rd in cupcake presentation with her Texas sweet tea cupcakes with a sweet lemon buttercream icing topped with bluebonnets and sunflower designs. She also received a $1,000 scholarship offer from Escoffier Culinary School.
Riley Sullivan and Anna Bewley placed 3rd with their Entrepreneurship competition with their bakery presentation for "Spurs and Sprinkles Bake Shop" with all their sweet Texas treat ideas and business plan proposal.
Raylee Cave placed 1st in the senior division of Event Planning. She put together an amazing speech and portfolio presentation for her event.
Jeanette Diercoff competed and placed 1st in Mystery Basket senior level competition. She created a beautiful dish with a pan seared steak with a béchamel sauce, caramelized carrots and seasoned potato crisps. She also received a $3,000 scholarship offer from Escoffier Culinary School.
A.J. (Albert) Gonzales will be one of the 2022 - 2024 FCCLA Region III Officers. He will serve as the VP of Parliamentary Law. Not only will A.J. be representing Region III, but he is representing Princeton ISD. According to Ms. Rogers, A.J. will have a busy year ahead of him, but he will be an amazing officer.
“We would also like to give a huge thank you to Mrs. Connie Emerson for helping at the events,” Ms. Rogers said. “She served as a judge, as well as a driver. Her assistance is greatly appreciated. We would also like to say thank you to PISD and everyone who has been supportive of the students in their journey.”
The students moving forward with the Princeton FCCLA will be preparing for state competition April 7-9 in Dallas.
For parents of students interested in dual credit classes for the 2022-2023 school year, counselors will host a virtual information night at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 24. Details below:
Originally, it was planned to use Google Meets; however, plans changed to Zoom.
All details are below.
Join Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 955 4636 5989
Passcode: 114880
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
This meeting will be recorded and posted to the PHS counseling website.
If you have any questions, reach out to your student's school counselor.
Lovelady High School has a Facebook page. Click the link to connect with the new school, which opened this year to all the 9th-graders in the district.
Five Lovelady 9th-grade students competed in the Visual Arts Scholastic Event art competition or VASE. Eduardo Olalde, Brook Rater, Gabriella Rivera and Angela Rosales each scored a 4, the highest score you can get, and Ellena Momanya scored a 3. LHS art teachers Lindsey Shirley and Emily Bowman helped prepare students for the contest.
Angela Rosales, “Face in the Shadow with Koi.”
Eduardo Olalde, “The Concealed Temple,” 18x24 graphite on paper.
Gabriella Rivera, “Ella,” 16x20 oil paint on canvas.
Brooke Rater, “Broken Tracks,” 8x8 graphite on paper.
Ellena Momanya, self portrait.
Clark has a hub to assist parents with helpful information and links regarding Clark Middle School. Click link to see what it's all about.
Superintendent Donald McIntyre delivered certificates to 6th-grade students Joseph Harrill V and Mia Emerson, who were recognized recently by the PISD Board of Trustees for their outstanding contribution to the school's living museum.
Clark Middle School has its own Facebook page to communicate important information for parents:
Clark Staff Member of the Week
Clark theater teacher Alexa Buck was selected as the Clark Staff Member of the Week. This is what Clark administration had to say about Ms. Buck: "Ms. Buck's theatrical, fun and energetic personality always lights up a room. Ms. Buck's theater classes composed of 6th-, 7th- and 8th-graders encourages students to speak up and speak out, and to think beyond acting, like directing, producing, writing and even choreography. Earlier this school year, Ms. Buck's UIL one-act play received honorable mention and some of her students were awarded best actors. Alexa is known among her co-workers as hard working, having a true passion to teach and so much fun to be around."
Parents of 6th- and 7th-graders,
On Tuesday, Feb. 22, 6th- and 7th-grade science teachers will provide students with information regarding course registration. Students will bring this information home to review with parents, sign and return to their science teachers by Friday, Feb. 25. The week of Feb. 28, students will complete their course registration through Infinite Campus during science class. For questions, reach out to counselors.
Southard needs volunteers Feb. 25
Southard Middle School will host a UIL event on Friday, Feb. 25, and needs parent volunteers to help from 12:30 p.m. until about 8 p.m. If interested, email Kathy Johnston at kjohnston@princetonisd.net.
Southard has a hub to assist parents with helpful information and links regarding Southard Middle School. Click link to see what it's all about.
Use the following link to view the calendar for the following tests: 6 weeks, PSTAAR, STAAR, PSAT, TELPAS Credit by Exam:
Students will be able to win a prize for participating.
April 14 - Neon day (STAAR prep: be bright)
All elementary open houses will be 5:30-7 p.m. Thursday, March 3.
Godwin 5th-graders to register
Parents of 5th-graders,
Middle school principals will provide 5th-graders with information regarding 6th-grade course registration over the next couple of weeks. Students will bring this information home to review with parents, sign and return to their school. If you have any questions regarding 6th-grade course registration, reach out to the middle school counselors at your student's future middle school campus.
Clark counselors (Harper, Godwin)
Southard counselors (Lacy, Lowe, Smith)
Join the Godwin PTO remind group to stay in touch with the latest information. Send a text to 81010 with the message @9h4gdedhgg.
Sally Figueroa Pagan’s 3rd-grade bilingual students at Godwin have been researching the life of someone important. They each had the chance to pick someone, and they used three internet-friendly sources to do their research and build a bobblehead. Some important people were: Frida Kahlo, Bruce Lee, Lebron James, Michelle Kwan, Lin Manuel Miranda, Roberto Clemente, Jane Goodall, Malala Yousafzai and Walt Disney. It was a great way to finish the 4th six weeks and read biographies.
Students include Briseidy Mendoza, Margarita Ramirez, and, from left and front to back, Francisco Acosta, Angelina Villarreal, Gina Lopez, Celeste Villarreal, Germán Merino, Aylin Villarreal and Brianna Nuñez.
All elementary open houses will be 5:30-7 p.m. Thursday, March 3.
Harper 5th-graders to register
Parents of 5th-graders,
Middle school principals will provide 5th-graders with information regarding 6th-grade course registration over the next couple of weeks. Students will bring this information home to review with parents, sign and return to their school. If you have any questions regarding 6th-grade course registration, reach out to the middle school counselors at your student's future middle school campus.
Clark counselors (Harper, Godwin)
Southard counselors (Lacy, Lowe, Smith)
Character trait for February - empathy
Feb. 24 - Class pictures
Feb. 25 - Early release with UIL meet
Harper Elementary Facebook
Follow Harper Elementary on Facebook. Search HarperES or click link below.
Harper needs volunteer readers
Harper needs volunteer readers to record themselves reading their favorite book. Students will watch the videos during Mystery Reader Monday, which will be part of DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time. Anyone interested can contact Assistant Principal Jason Brown for more information at jbrown@princetonisd.net.
As students work toward reading 1 million pages as a campus, Harper is seeking donations of books for students who may not be able to go to the local library or purchase books. Donations can be dropped off in the front office during normal school office hours.
All elementary open houses will be 5:30-7 p.m. Thursday, March 3.
Lacy 5th-graders to register
Parents of 5th-graders,
Middle school principals will provide 5th-graders with information regarding 6th-grade course registration over the next couple of weeks. Students will bring this information home to review with parents, sign and return to their school. If you have any questions regarding 6th-grade course registration, reach out to the middle school counselors at your student's future middle school campus.
Clark counselors (Harper, Godwin)
Southard counselors (Lacy, Lowe, Smith)
The deadline to order Lacy yearbooks will be April 1 and will not be extended. Use the following link.
To join the Lacy PTO Remind group to stay in touch with the most up-to-date information, text @lacyelem to 81010.
Lauren Whitehead’s 4th-grade ELAR classes at Lowe Elementary chose an influential African American to research and draw for Black History Month. Some students chose to create slide shows as well.
Lowe 5th-graders to register
Parents of 5th-graders,
Middle school principals will provide 5th-graders with information regarding 6th-grade course registration over the next couple of weeks. Students will bring this information home to review with parents, sign and return to their school. If you have any questions regarding 6th-grade course registration, reach out to the middle school counselors at your student's future middle school campus.
Clark counselors (Harper, Godwin)
Southard counselors (Lacy, Lowe, Smith)
All elementary open houses will be 5:30-7 p.m. Thursday, March 3.
You can join the Lowe PTO Facebook group for up-to-date information at:
All elementary open houses will be 5:30-7 p.m. Thursday, March 3.
Smith 5th-graders to register
Parents of 5th-graders,
Middle school principals will provide 5th-graders with information regarding 6th-grade course registration over the next couple of weeks. Students will bring this information home to review with parents, sign and return to their school. If you have any questions regarding 6th-grade course registration, reach out to the middle school counselors at your student's future middle school campus.
Clark counselors (Harper, Godwin)
Southard counselors (Lacy, Lowe, Smith)
Smith PTO has Remind code
To join the Smith PTO Remind group to stay in touch with the most up-to-date information, text @cakeff to 81010.
Use the QR code to connect to the Smith Elementary PTO Facebook page.
Use the QR code to connect to the Smith Elementary PTO Instagram account.
Click here for information about classes offered through Princeton ISD's Community Ed program. In addition, registration is now available on RevTrak at:
See the registration guide:
Storytime at the Princeton library will be held every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. with guest readers, crafts, sing-a-longs and more.
Chamber networking breakfast
The Princeton Chamber of Commerce free networking breakfast, Coffee and Connections, will be 7:30 a.m. every third Tuesday at Whataburger. The next gathering will be March. 15.
The Princeton Chamber of Commerce networking luncheon will be 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday, March 9, at the community ed building, 319 McKinney Ave.
There is limited seating so you must RSVP through registration at PLCTXChamber.com. Cost is $10 for members and $15 for non-members. A light lunch will be provided by the Chamber.
Christ Cares for Princeton offers assistance
Need assistance with food, clothing, prescriptions or auto fuel? If you live within the boundaries of the Princeton Independent School District, Christ Cares for Princeton can help.
For more information, call 469-278-HOPE (4673). Click links for assistance, to donate or information.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the district's communications, I can be reached through this email address, jcollins@princetonisd.net or by calling 469.952.5400, ext. 3504.
Princeton ISD| 469-952-5400 | 321 Panther Parkway, Princeton, TX 75407