At this point in the application process, you want to make the most of your time to allow yourself to Read, Revise, & Review. If you are not applying this cycle, give yourself time to organize your prospective graduate program list. Create a chart to manage a list of all the graduate programs of application. List important contact information within each schedule, deadlines, requirements, and other important information. Staying organized will help you stay on top of each application.
Here are a few tips to consider as you prepare your application materials for submission.
Read, Revise, & Review: Give yourself ample time to read, revise, and review your application materials. Visit your university’s writing center, or get someone who can give you constructive feedback to read and check your application materials.
Walk Away: Make sure you give yourself time to gently “walk away” from your application before you submit it. Walking away will allow you to rest your mind and return to your application with fresh eyes.
Make the Submission an Event: Create the most optimum environment for you to submit your application. You may want to have a submission party, or you may need to create alone time to reflect on your life before pushing that submit button. Whatever it is, put yourself first on submission day. You want to feel good about the work you have put into your application. Use this time as an opportunity to celebrate yourself.