From the desk of Principal Deborah Finn

August 17, 2023

School News You Can Use


  1. Tomorrow, Friday, August 18 is a special Giant assembly schedule - click here for details.
  2. In case you need our regular daily schedules, click here to find it on our website.
  3. Save the date - Open House is August 31. See the Open House section below.

Message from the Principal

Our first week of school is underway and I am so energized having our students back at HPHS! It was terrific to have the freshman and Link Crew leaders here for orientation on Tuesday and all of our students here yesterday.

We are off to a great start and look forward to our continued partnership to make sure our students get the most out of their educational experience. Please help us to ensure that students are on-time, in class and not using their cell phones unless specifically asked to by an educator in a learning space. During tomorrow’s assembly, we will review the expectations for our House on Vine so that we can all continue to make our home a welcoming and inclusive space.

Please read below to learn more about our annual Open House event - we look forward to seeing all parents, guardians and caregivers on August 31! 


We are excited to welcome you to our Annual Open House! This event will take place on Thursday, August 31. Doors will open at 6:00 pm. The schedule will begin at 6:14 pm and go to approximately 9:00 pm. During the evening, you will have an opportunity to follow an abbreviated version of your child’s schedule. In 8-minute sessions, you will be able to meet your child’s teachers and learn about the curriculum and teacher expectations. Please refer to Infinite Campus to find your child’s schedule or use this template and ask your child to fill out their current schedule to bring with you. Tech Campus parents will meet in the orchestra room (E106) during period 5. In case you need them, we also have Schoology instructions for parents and students on our website.

Please note that there are special schedules for both Thursday, August 31 and Friday, September 1.

This evening provides an opportunity to meet your child’s classroom teachers and experience their daily schedule. Teachers will introduce you to their course curriculum and share ways for you to support your child’s learning. If you have individual concerns, teachers will provide you with ways to communicate with them at a later time. During Open House teachers will not be able to engage in individual conversations about students due to short periods.

Throughout the evening, if you would like to meet with our counselors, they will be available in the Counseling Resource Center, Room A221. We also encourage you to visit with our PTO, Giants Club, FOCUS, Nuestro Center, De Padre a Estudiante, CTAD (Community the Anti-Drug), and the D113 Foundation at one of the tables located throughout the cafeteria.

Although parking on school property is available, it is limited. The Highland Park Police Department will allow overflow parking at:

  • The NORTH side of Vine, between St Johns and Sheridan (in the past if people self-parked on the south side, they were cited).
  • The south side of Maple between St Johns and Sheridan.
  • The North side of Vine between Green Bay Road and Midlothian Avenue.

Happening Next Week

Monday, August 21 - Giant Schedule Day

Tuesday, August 22 - Giant Schedule Day

Wednesday, August 23 - Blue Schedule Day

Thursday, August 24 - White Schedule Day

Friday, August 25 - Giant Schedule Day

2023-2024 Daily Schedule (when there is not a special schedule planned)

View Calendar


As shared last week, here is Study Hall Information:

  • Similar to last school year, students who do not have a class or have an off-lab will be assigned to a study hall during a particular period. 
  • During study hall, students are expected to use their student ID to scan into a designated Study Hall classroom or other academic space, including the library, TLC, CRC, Testing Center, Drop-In Center or the Counseling Department. 
  • With parent/guardian permission, students may be excused from a study hall that falls at the beginning or end of the day. Use this form to request a first/last period of the day study hall waiver.

Student Life

Class of 2024 - Senior Yearbook Portraits: Please make sure you complete your senior portrait soon! The sitting is free! Use this link to schedule an appointment now.

Just a reminder that yearbook/student ID photos will be taken during PE Classes August 30th & August 31. Senior Class Yearbook Portraits can still be scheduled.  Visit the school website for more information.  

Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining"!


Our Fall Sports Kickoff Meeting will be held on Saturday, August 19 at 9:30am in the student cafeteria.  We hope all Fall athletes and parents/guardians can attend.

Student Activities & Athletics will host the Activities/Athletics Fair the week of August 21 - 25 during lunch periods.  Students are invited to attend and meet and greet members of the various clubs/teams HPHS has to offer.  

The Giants Club, our parent booster organization, is scheduled to hold their first meeting of the year in the Giant Conference Room at HPHS on Wednesday, 8/30 from 7-8pm.  All are welcome!  Check out the Giants Club Website for information about membership.

Services and Supports

Homeroom @ Home

We started off our new year together in homeroom this week! In the spirit of a GIANT community, we read a poem and considered the ways in which we contribute to and receive care from one another. Be sure to engage your student about the ideas that came up about how they can care for themselves and others. We also prepared for the assembly on Friday and previewed the events in the days ahead, including the Athletics and Activities Fair next week.

Drop In Center

The Drop-In Center is dedicated to providing individual and group counseling services, crisis intervention, and referrals to community resources to students at Highland Park High School in the most caring and safe environment possible. We advocate for the mental health needs of students by offering instruction that enhances self-awareness and promotes interpersonal skill development that leads to successful reintegration into the academic setting.

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