Dear Saints Peter and Paul Parents,
As Catholics, each year we partake in 40 Hours Devotion. During these hours the consecrated Eucharist is exposed on the altar in a monstrance for adoration for 40 hours. It is 40 hours of continuous prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. The devotion is broken up over a period of three days, with an opening Mass and closing Mass on the first and third days. Saints Peter and Paul will begin 40 hours after the 11:30 AM Mass on Sunday, October 16th and close on Tuesday, October 18th, at 7:00 PM. Father Monica will be speaking October 16th, 17th, and 18th at 7:00 PM.
Saint John Neumann (Bishop of Philadelphia) introduced Forty Hours Devotion in Philadelphia in 1853 at St. Philip Neri Parish. The Holy Bishop then introduced it to the whole Archdiocese of Philadelphia, so that each parish would have Forty Hours Devotion during the course of the year. Please join our school families and parishioners in prayer during 40 Hours of Devotion. This Tuesday, October 18th SSPP is proud to announce that Finn L. and Kaitlin S. will be inducted into the Bishop Shanahan Junior Honor Society. SSPP extends its congratulations to both of them for being role models and embodying what it means to be an SSPP student.
The winter uniform begins November 2nd. Students will change from sneakers to uniform shoes. White socks are not part of the winter uniform. Girls who wear the old uniform kilt may wear hunter green knee high socks, hunter green socks, or black leggings with black socks. Girls who wear the new kilt, may wear hunter green tights, socks, or hunter green leggings with green socks. The link to the Uniform Policy is below.
Have a lovely weekend!
Warmest regards,
Veronica Chandler
Veronica Chandler, Principal
Looking Ahead…
October 21st - Pre-K 4 trip to Elmwood Zoo
October 23rd- Trunk or Treat at 5:30
October 26th - 8th grade trip to Gettysburg Battlefield
October 27th - Parent/Teacher Conferences after school
October 28th -
October 31st - Celebrations in the afternoon
November 1st - No School. All Saints Day
November 2nd - Winter uniform begins. Sneakers are worn only on gym days.