Principal's Post

Dear Saints Peter and Paul Parents,

The second Sunday of Lent  Gospel reading (Matthew 17:1-9) focuses on the apostle’s encounter with the transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor.  The apostles were given a glimpse of the risen Christ; the fulfillment of his promise that he is merciful and offers new life and hope (1 Peter 1:3).  

Each Friday the 6th and 7th graders of SSPP meet after school in Ms. Mangiovillano’s room for ECyD. Through ECyD (encounters, convictions, and your decisions) they encounter Christ in the Sunday Gospel and apply Jesus’s message to their everyday lives. Through ECyD they grow in their relationship with God.

May we all have special encounters with Jesus throughout this Lenten season!

God bless the Saints Peter and Paul Community!


Veronica Chandler

Veronica Chandler 

Looking Ahead…

Tyler’s Service Project - Help support second grader Tyler and his community service project

March 3rd - March 8th - Terra Nova Testing grades K-7. 

March 10th - Second Trimester ends

March 13th - Third trimester begins.

March 14th & 15th - Grandparents/Special Person’s Day is 8:30 am in the school


  • SSPP is excited  to celebrate the special bond between children and their grandparents/ special people with a dance party, refreshments, and various tributes Volunteer Opportunities: Sign Up Here
  • The celebration is split over two days for guests: 
  • Children with last name A-L March 14th -  please RSVP here 
  • Children with last name M-Z March 15th - please RSVP here

March 20th - 7:00 pm in the Church. 

  • Father Stephen DeLacy returns to SSPP to deliver a talk entitled, “Living Beyond Sundays: Jesus in Your Daily Life.” 
  • Father DeLacy, is the Vicar of the Office for Faith Formation with Youth and Young Adults 
  • Father's Promotion Video Living beyond Sunday, Jesus in your daily life - YouTube

March 23rd - 7th Graders Visit Bishop Shanahan High School 


March 24th - No school. Faculty retreat.

May 12th - Save the Date: Sweetheart Dance for SSPP girls and guest, More details to follow shortly 6:00-8:00 pm grades K-8 in the gym.

April 22nd - Wild Wild West, Spring Auction and Fundraiser - Save the Date. 7 pm at SSPP.

  • All proceeds raised during the Spring Auction benefit a new security and privacy fence surrounding the playground and field; see the red outline in the picture below. 
  • There will be dancing, BBQ food truck, drinks, silent and live auctions, and a mechanical bull all under the stars of a spring evening. 
  • If you wish to contribute to this exciting cause CLICK HERE for additional details.

If you wish to contribute to SSPP's new security fence, click here  

Tyler's Service Project

Living beyond Sunday, Jesus in your daily life - YouTube

Grandparents Day Volunteer Opportunities

ADHD presentation - Mike McLeod video152764712...


Saints Peter and Paul School

1327 Boot Road

West Chester, PA 19380

tel. (610) 696.1000 fax (484) 631.0181

Mrs. Veronica Chandler, Principal

Mr. Dan McKinney, Board Chairman

Barbara McCarron, Advancement Director