Dear Saints Peter and Paul Parents,
Many of you may have seen in the news that Our Mother of Consolation School in Chestnut Hill had a terrible fire this week and lost their roof. Thankfully no one was hurt. There will be prayers for their school community and a Dress-Down Day on Monday, March 27th to support their recovery efforts. We ask SSPP families to donate whatever amount they can and to keep Our Mother of Consolation School in your prayers.
Congratulations to seventh-grade homeroom teacher, Mr. Windle and his wife, on the arrival of their new baby girl. We wish them all the best!
The third and final trimester has begun! After reviewing your child’s report card, it is important to encourage children to set attainable goals for the remainder of the year.
The school is in the process of updating the school website to make it easier for parents and new families to navigate. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to complete this by the end of this school year.
Please notice teachers’ websites can now be found by clicking on “Teacher Pages” located at the top right side of the school webpage. Once on this page, locate the teacher and click “Website” below their email address. We hope this is easier and more convenient for parents and students.
The faculty has a retreat tomorrow, March 24th, at the IHM Center in Bryn Mawr. The school will be closed. I hope everyone enjoys the three-day weekend!
Lastly, please follow us on our Instagram page at ssppschoolwc to see highlighted daily activities at SSPP. We also kindly ask you to take a moment to go onto Niche and submit a review supporting SSPP. Please see the QR Code below. Thank you parents!
Veronica Chandler
Veronica Chandler
Looking Ahead…
March 24th - No school. Faculty retreat.
March 24th - Deadline for discounted including payment for Hershey Park
Discounted Tickets. Tickets will be distributed the week of April 24th
to your oldest child at school. If you have any questions, please
contact at
March 27th - Safe Environment Lesson Opt Out Letter due by 8:00 AM. Parents,
please have your child bring the signed letter to their teacher only if
you choose not to have your child participate in the lesson.
Student Opt Out Form
April 5-10 - Easter Break
April 19th - Clothing and More Drive
- Help the 8th Grade class raise money for graduation expenses by donating used clothing and other household items. Drop off bags near the basketball hoops between 7am -10am
April 22nd - Wild Wild West, Spring Auction and Fundraiser - Save the Date. 7 pm
at SSPP.
Excited to get involved? Volunteer here.
- Proceeds raised to benefit a security and privacy fence around the playground and field
To purchase event tickets, raffle or class basket tickets or take a sneak peek at the auction items. Click here to access and register.
To contribute to this exciting cause, click here for additional details.
May 12th - Save the Date: Sweetheart Dance for SSPP girls and guest, More
details to follow shortly 6:00-8:00 pm grades K-8 in the gym.
June 9th - End of School Year Pool Party! 12-3 pm at ACAC Pool. $15.00 per child;
more info to come.