Principal's Post

Dear Saints Peter and Paul Parents,

Each year the HSA organizes a wonderful opportunity to come together as a school community. Please join us for an exciting and fun night at the 2023 SSPP Wild Wild West Auction and Pig Roast Saturday, April 22nd from 7 PM -11 PM. This year there will be a tent outside with a mechanical bull, BBQ food truck, drinks, and fun items to bid on! It’s going to be a hoot! C’mon over y’all! All proceeds go to the security fence on the school field. We are going to have a rootin’ tootin’ good time!

The teachers are offering summer tutoring for incoming SSPP first graders through incoming eighth graders. Please see the link for details on how to set up additional academic support for your child over the summer. 

If you have any questions about summer assignments or school supplies next year, the school will post a link on the school website under the Parent tab. This link will lead you to a document listing all ELA and math summer assignments for each grade and school supplies for the 2023-2024 school year. We hope this makes it easier for you and your children.

Just a friendly reminder that the Hope and Healing Mass for Mrs. Helen Forrest is today at 6 pm at SSPP. Everyone is invited to attend!

There are three dates scheduled for Altar Server Training. If your child is interested (rising 5th graders and up), please fill out the form and return it to the Parish Office by April 19th or you can email it to Fr. David at

Have a lovely weekend!

Sincere Regards,

Veronica Chandler 

Veronica Chandler 

Looking Ahead…

April 18th - Move Up Day for the 5th graders. The students see what it’s like to be in the middle school and visit the 6th-grade classrooms.

April 19th - Clothing and More Drive 

  • Help the 8th Grade class raise money for graduation expenses by donating used clothing and other household items. Drop off bags near the basketball hoops between 7 am -10 am

April 22nd - Wild Wild West, Spring Auction and Fundraiser - Save the Date. 7 pm at SSPP.

  • Yee Haw…Gold Rush Week at school is next week and several special activities are planned.
  • Wanted: Kids bring all your loose change to school next week. Each grade will collect change in decorated mason jars, the winning class wins an ice cream party on April 28. Collected change proceeds support the new school fence.                                                                                                               
  • Class Basket Raffle Ticket Day, Wednesday, April 19 All grades are invited to purchase class basket raffle tickets, $2 per ticket cash accepted or via GiveSmart, set up your account today 
  • If you wish to contribute to this exciting cause click here for additional details.

April 29th - First Holy Communion

May 1st - May Procession at 7 pm. Click here for details.

May 5th - First Friday Mass @ 8:30 am

May 8th - Band concert at 7 pm.

May 12th - Volunteer breakfast @ 8:30 am in cafeteria

May 12th - Save the Date: Sweetheart Father/Daughter Dance, Friday, May 12, 2023 6-8pm SSPP School, invitations to be sent home with oldest daughter the week commencing April 24. The evening’s activities include DJ/dancing, photo booth, games, giveaways and more…

June 9th - End of School Year Pool Party! 12-3 pm at ACAC Pool. $15.00 per child; more info to come.

Saints Peter and Paul School

1327 Boot Road

West Chester, PA 19380

tel. (610) 696.1000 fax (484) 631.0181

Mrs. Veronica Chandler, Principal

Mr. Dan McKinney, Board Chairman

Barbara McCarron, Advancement Director