Dear Parents,
The students began their week on Monday with “Circle Time” which is an important part of Virtue-Based Restorative Discipline. Every week the homerooms gather in a circle and the teacher begins with a prayer. The students are asked a “getting to know you question” and they each have their moment to share their answer and the other students respectively give the student time to answer the question. After the students who want to share have had their turn, the “Circle Time” ends with a closing prayer. These circles are designed to help the students to focus on the virtue of charity, build community and respect, and strengthen relationships.
Wednesday, September 21st at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria - The HSA Committee looks forward to seeing you for our first Home & School Association Meeting. Please join us in person for a casual reception to welcome our new families and connect with friends before a brief presentation. All HSA meetings will be live-streamed and posted on our webpage for your viewing convenience. Details can always be found on our HSA website:
We look forward to seeing everyone next week. Link Meeting ID: 863 8566 7121 Passcode: Saz9fi
2022 Monsignor Foley Golf Outing. Please click on this link to see how you can show your support. Don’t miss out on supporting our teachers!
Flag Football Parent Volunteers Needed - Now is your chance to have fun with the students outside on the field! It’s not too late to sign up. Sign Up Genius
Lunch and Recess Duty Volunteers are always needed. Please sign up.
Morning drop-off reminder - parents of students in K through 8 may park their car and walk their child to the front doors. We ask K-8 parents not to walk into the building.
Have a lovely weekend.
Veronica Chandler
Veronica Chandler, Principal