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High summer temperatures can affect your building in many ways, including your HVAC system, how efficient your building’s systems run, and more. At Campbell, Inc., our professional experts can help to ensure your commercial building remains cool and comfortable all summer long.
We’re Ready to Respond Quickly to Any Emergency HVAC or Plumbing Needs
The Campbell team provides emergency services 24/7/365 for your building’s HVAC and plumbing systems. We can diagnose problems quickly and have access to parts, too. What is an emergency? Learn more about the signs and symptoms that could indicate a problem that needs prompt service from a trained, qualified technician.
ASHRAE Issues Standard on Airborne Infections
ASHRAE just announced an airborne infection risk mitigation standard for
buildings, setting clear guidance on healthier indoor air for occupants. The standard represents a significant step forward in prioritizing healthier indoor environments and promoting sustainable practices.
Did you know 96% of employees agree that healthy work environments are necessary for good productivity? Since research has linked indoor air quality with healthier work environments, look to modern HVAC technologies to help you improve both.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced its 2023 “Top Cities” list, spotlighting the cities with the greatest number of ENERGY STAR certified commercial buildings in 2022. Did your city make the list?

Toledo, OH
2875 Crane Way
Northwood, OH 43619
(419) 476-4444

Findlay, OH
90 Stanford Parkway
Findlay, OH 45840
(419) 429-0052
Ann Arbor, MI
1077 James L. Hart Parkway
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
(734) 769-1190

Cleveland, OH
4555 Willow Parkway
Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio 44125
(330) 425-8000