Support For SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Work - Updated COVID-19 Resource Guide - Featured Article - Industry Jobs - And More

Priority Support For Those Working On SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19
We want to do everything possible to enable researchers with immediate access to the tools they need for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 research. To support this we are offering:

  • Priority Order Processing
  • Reduced Priority Shipping Rates
  • Assistance Getting The Materials You Need

Remember, we are here to help you.
SARS-CoV-2 - COVID-19 Resource Guide For Researchers and Labs
Since the start of the pandemic we have been assembling a resource guide for researchers and labs working on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. The resource guide includes:

  • Volunteer opportunities where you can share your expertise
  • Funding resources for research
  • Crystallization screening services
  • Instrument and facilities access including beamline and cryo-EM
  • And more

Please read and share the guide
Featured Article - Comparing Serial X-ray Crystallography and Microcrystal Electron Diffraction (MicroED) as Methods for Routine Structure Determination From Small Macromolecular Crystals
This article at IUCrJ by Alexander Wolff (et al.) examines serial X-ray crystallography and microcrystal electron diffraction (MicroED) as useful methods for obtaining structural information from crystals on the nanometre to micrometre scale. While these methods are useful their implementation can often be difficult.

To explore these difficulties, experiments were conducted using XFEL serial crystallography and MicroED.

"The results provide a roadmap for researchers hoping to design macromolecular microcrystallography experiments, and they highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the two methods."

As part of the experiment, crystals were diluted and loaded onto our MiTeGen MicroMesh 700/25.
Events and Workshops
The following workshops and events are virtual. We'll be watching them to see how the virtual environment works for both presenters and attendees.
The 11th Canadian Chemical Crystallography Workshop has moved to a virtual format. Registration has closed but you can still provide support.
CCP-EM Spring Symposium will be in a virtual format April 27th to May 1st. It focuses on the latest developments in computational Cryo-EM. Registration is now open.
Do You Have An Online Event You Need Sponsored?
While most events have been postponed or canceled, we have seen interest in conducting events online.

If you are considering conducting an online event, reach out to us for information on our MiTeGen sponsorship program.
Industry Job Openings
Given the importance of structural biology and related fields, there are numerous job openings. Listed below are some of the latest ones we are aware of.

  • Post-Doctoral position in development of small molecule serial crystallography at University of Chicago US
  • Research Scientist position to support drug discovery through the use of atomic resolution single-particle cryo-EM and x-ray diffraction at Merck in San Francisco US
  • Associate Head position of the Cryo-electron Microscopy Facility for the Structural Biology Research Center in Milano Italy
  • Staff Scientist position supporting scientific efforts in the area of host-pathogen interactions, innate immune system regulations and protein export in Maryland US
MiTeGen New Lab Program
Are you or a colleague starting a new lab or expanding a current one? Then the MiTeGen New Lab Program can help you get the best equipment, for less.

Contact us to learn how your lab can take advantage of special bundles, pricing, and service to get your lab up and running as smoothly as possible.

Resources for Learning During Self Isolation
In case you have extra time on your hands, why not learn or brush up on skills related to what you do? With this in mind we present a list of learning resources ranging from learning Cryo-EM to extracting data from the PDB using Python.

  • NCCAT Remote Learning Center for Cryo-EM Researchers - Learn more
  • Rafalab offers online resources useful for learning or teaching data science, biostats and bioinformatics including 15 online courses - Learn more
  • The electron Cryo-microscopy course from MRC-LMB - Learn more
  • A Relion 2.0 workshop with Sjors Scheres, hosted by NRAMM and the Simon Electron Microscopy Center - Learn more
  • Relion 3 new tools for automated high-resolution cryo-EM structure determinations from the SBGrid Consortium - Lean more
  • Practical Python for beginners - a Biochemists guide - Learn more
  • EM-learning provides a full cryo-EM SPA course for training users with alternating theory and practical demonstration video - Learn more
  • ZeroCostDL4Mic - Exploiting Google Colab to develop a free and open source toolbox for deep learning in microscopy - Learn more
  • Learn to explore the Protein Databank using Python - Learn more
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