Pro Bono Quarterly Newsletter

Highlighting Pro Bono in New Mexico

Aug. 6, 2024 | Q3 Issue

Check Out the New Online Statewide Legal Fairs and Clinics Calendar

In collaboration with the Administrative Office of the Courts, the State Bar of New Mexico recently added an interactable calendar to its website that displays upcoming legal fairs, clinics and workshops in New Mexico. The calendar provides information on how to register to volunteer for events. If you are facilitating a legal fair or clinic, be sure and send the event information to so we can add it to the calendar!

See Calendar

Attend the 17th Annual Legal Services Providers Conference

The 17th Annual Legal Services Providers Conference, designed for non-profit and public sector civil legal services providers, will take place Aug. 22-23 in-person in Albuquerque or virtually. Earn 12 CLE credits, including required Ethics and Equity in Justice credits, at a discounted rate to fit non-profit and public sector budgets. For more information, contact the Center for Legal Education at or 505-797-6020.

Request More Information

Call for Pro Bono Articles & Content

The State Bar of New Mexico is soliciting articles and brief comments regarding what you find most rewarding about doing pro bono work in New Mexico. See flyer for more information.

Send Pro Bono Articles & Content

New Mexico Civil Legal Service Providers List

Modest Means Helpline

Service area: Statewide

Tel: 505-797-6013 or 888-857-9935


Legal Resources for the Elderly Program (LREP)

Service area: Statewide

Phone: 505-797-6005 or 1-800-876-6657


New Mexico Legal Aid

Service area: Statewide

Tel: 866-416-1922


NM Center on Law and Poverty

Service area: Statewide

Tel: 505-255-2840


New Mexico Innocence and Justice Project

Service area: Statewide


Pegasus Legal Services for Children

Service area: Statewide

Tel: 505-244-1101


Disability Rights New Mexico

Service area: Statewide

Tel: 505-256-3100


United South Broadway Fair Lending Center

Service area: Statewide

Tel: 505-256-3100


Catholic Charities

Service area: Albuquerque metro

Tel: 505-724-4649


Catholic Charities of Southern New Mexico

Service area: Ten southern counties of the State of New Mexico

Tel: 505-575-0500


New Mexico Immigrant Law Center

Service area: Statewide

Tel: 505-247-1023


DNA People's Legal Services

Toll Free Tel Intake: 833-362-1102

Farmington Tel: 505-325-8886


Native American Disability Law Center

Service area: Four Corners

Farmington Tel: 800-862-7271


Senior Citizens' Law Office

Service area: Four Corners

Tel: 505-265-2300


Enlace Comunitario

Service area: Albuquerque metro

Tel: 505-246-8972


Southwest Women's Law Center

Service area: Statewide

Tel: 505-244-0502


KWH Law Center

Service area: Statewide

Tel: 505-205-0868


View Full Civil Legal Service Providers Directory

Miscellaneous Resources

Important Information Regarding Affordable Housing

The Albuquerque Housing Authority (AHA) offers a variety of programs designed to provide accessible housing to individuals of modest means, making the AHA a very useful resource for the public and clients of attorneys conducting pro bono service. These include:

Applications for each open program are available exclusively online and cannot be made via physical forms. For brief instructions on how to apply for each, please see below.

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)

The AHA is accepting pre-applications for the Section 8 HCV Program each year from June 1 to June 30 (July 15 - Aug. 15). Households selected through the lottery process should not make any plans to move or rent a home until they are directed to do so by the AHA Admissions Staff.

For more information or questions, concerning the Section 8 HCV Program, you may contact AHA's Intake at 505-764-3904 or

Pre-Apply (English)
Pre-Apply (Spanish)

Project Based Voucher (PBV)

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allows local Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) that already administer a tenant-based Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance program under an Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) with HUD to locally choose to take up to 20 percent of that PHAs authorized HCV units and attach the Section 8 rental assistance funding to specific units (Project Based) rather than using it for tenant-based vouchers.

AHA has Project Based Voucher (PBV) rental assistance benefits that are tied to units at specific apartment complexes. This rental assistance is not a portable rental benefit. The PBV rental assistance cannot be transferred to pay rent at any other rental unit or property.

Pre-Apply (English)
Pre-Apply (Spanish)

HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH)

Participants in the HUD-VASH program are required to receive a referral by the Department of Veterans Affairs to the AHA to receive a HUD-VASH voucher. For inquiries regarding this program, contact the Department of Veterans Affairs at 505-265-1711 or 800-465-8262.

For more information regarding the full program, please visit

For more information about the Albuquerque Housing Authority and each of its programs, please visit

Albuquerque Housing Authority Website

View more pro bono and volunteer opportunities in New Mexico at

Do you know of an upcoming pro bono or volunteer opportunity?

Please email us at

This email was sent by the State Bar of New Mexico.