Pro-Life Activities Extended at Summer of Mercy 2.0 as Late-Term Abortionist Carhart's Doors Remain Closed
Germantown, MD - In response to Leroy Carhart closing his late-term abortion clinic for one week, the Summer of Mercy 2.0 leadership team has confirmed that prayer and public witness will continue on Monday, August 8 in front of Carhart's clinic in Germantown. In addition, the team is considering an extension of the activities through the week of August 8.
Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue said, "As men and women of faith, we are compelled to remain at our post. We will stay in Germantown begging for God's mercy, until the killing ends for good.
Summer of Mercy 2.0 participants rejoice that there will be no killing of innocent children and diminishing of women in Germantown this week, and are prayerful that the mercy will continue.
"We have been saying since December that we will not tolerate Maryland becoming the late-term abortion capital of the world. The closing of Carhart's clinic this week is a victory and a gift from God that we will build upon. We do believe that prayer can end abortion in Maryland and America, and this week is a definitive confirmation that it can, and it will," said Michael Martelli of the Maryland Coalition for Life.
Danielle Versluys of Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust states, "Having come from California to join the Summer of Mercy, I am incredibly encouraged and excited to see people of all ages from all over the United States rally around the people of Maryland in their effort to see Carhart's scourge lifted from their state. By closing down Carhart's business for the week, God has answered the prayers of faithful, loving people who care for the women and children of their community. I am hopeful that this victory will carry into next week, next month, and next year, and that Carhart will no longer perform abortions in Germantown or any other city across our country."
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