Pro-Life Summit in 9 Days!

Take Action for Adoption!

Hi Benjamin,

On Saturday, June 10th, at our Pro-Life Summit, we will be joined by Caitlin Connors and Angie Thomas J.D. to discuss the mail-order abortion crisis and its impact in Louisiana. In November, a study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association found that in Louisiana there was in increase of online purchases of abortion pills by 170% since the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

Although our pro-life laws prohibit out-of-state abortion vendors from mailing abortion pills into Louisiana, these out-of-state and out-of-country businesses are disregarding our laws and continuing to sell these dangerous drugs into Louisiana.

Please join us to learn more about what has been happening federally and locally, how legislation and grassroots have been working to counteract it, and what to expect next. View our full Summit Schedule here.


At the Summit, we will also be joined by rape survivor Heather Hobbs and Dustin Bertrand, a man conceived in rape. Both individuals previously testified at the Louisiana Legislature and helped us defeat legislation to add exceptions to Louisiana's pro-life law!

While the Legislative Session is coming to an end, we still have a key piece of legislation we need to cross the finish line: the Adoption Tax Credit Act (HB 443). HB 443 provides couples seeking to adopt a $5,000 tax credit. Please contact your Louisiana Senators today using the button below and urge them to vote YES!


For a Pro-Life Louisiana,

Benjamin Clapper

Executive Director

Louisiana Right to Life

P.S. Students register for Pulse Leadership Institute!

Students: Pulse Leadership Institute

Pulse Leadership Institute is our week-long summer retreat July 10th-14th that dives into all things pro-life. Students will learn pro-life persuasion and practice having respectful and effective conversations with people.

They will also hear from local and national speakers on various pro-life topics, such as the impact of abortion, adoption and foster care, euthanasia, third party reproduction, women's health, and many more! In between these sessions, students will enjoy various field trips and games and make lasting friendships with other pro-life young people.

This is an especially great opportunity for students who are preparing to be a part of their pro-life group at school/church next year to be educated and empowered as a pro-life leader!


"My name is Amber. I am a wife and a teacher in Louisiana. And I was conceived in rape. As a teenager, I learned how my mother had been sexually assaulted."

Read Amber's Story

We will host a baby supply give-away on Saturday, June 10th in conjunction with our Pro-Life Summit. Please contribute to help us support local families!!

Learn More

In 2018, a young man named David Scotton highlighted his own adoption story in our short documentary, “I Lived On Parker Avenue.” Watch it if you haven't already!


We need your high-quality pictures of babies under one-year old for our New Orleans Right to Life Calendar. Please email your photos to

Upcoming Events

June 10th

Pro-Life Summit

July 10th

Pulse Leadership Institute
1.866.463.5433 @LARightToLife
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