
This ProQA ® COVID-19 Special Release #2 with additional ProQA enhancements is to support you and your communities around the world in this critical and unprecedented time.

  • For MPDS® v13.3.122 (5/27/2020) and MPDS v13.2.251 (5/21/2020), key elements of this release are outlined below.
  • For full details, the ProQA v5.1.1.36 Software Release Notes are available for download on the Priority Dispatch Software Download site.
  • Also available for download is the Agency Impact Information Form to help you determine the amount of time and level of work required to implement this release in your agency.

For help upgrading please email or call
866-777-3911 Toll Free (US and International).
New COVID-19 Enhancements & Additional Changes in
MPDS v13.3.122 (5/27/2020) and MPDS v13.2.251 (5/21/2020)
ProQA Reports:
Updated ProQA Reports v2 Guide to include information on the EIDS Tool reports. 
EIDS Tool:
 EIDS Tool findings text “Inconclusive evidence of COVID-19: Only one COVID-related symptom identified by EIDS Tool evaluation – proceed with caution” has been changed to “Only one COVID-related symptom identified by EIDS Tool evaluation – proceed with caution.”
Protocols 6, 10, 13, & 26:
The answer choice “Inconclusive evidence of coronavirus (only one symptom found)” has been changed to “Only one COVID-related symptom identified.” The Short Answer Text and Long Answer Text have been updated as well.
Protocol 24:
Target Tool is now available throughout the Key Question sequence to allow the EMD to select specific Pre-Arrival Instructions and more easily respond to rapidly changing, up-to-the-minute information in a childbirth/pregnancy situation.
Protocol 36:
  • Key Question “Has s/he ever had a heart attack or angina (heart pains)?” will now be asked for any patient whose primary complaint is chest pain.
  • New operator Key Question has been added for patients whose primary complaint is chest pain, where a “yes” answer choice shunts to Protocol 10.
  • New “Clammy” answer choice has been added to the Key Question, “Is s/he having chills or sweats?” for patients 35 or older with chest pain, which will shunt to Protocol 10.
  • New “Numbness/Pressure/Heaviness in arm(s)/jaw/torso (new onset)” answer choice has been added to the Key Question, “Does s/he have muscle or body aches?” which will shunt to Protocol 10.
  • Key Question “Did s/he have any flu-like symptoms prior to this?” has been changed to “Does s/he have any flu-like symptoms as well?” with Short Answer Text and Long Answer Text also updated.
If you haven't already, be sure to join the Emergency Dispatch in the COVID Outbreak Facebook group for access to the latest information from protocol and medical experts. You will need to answer a few questions to join.

Our entire team continues to focus on how we can best support you during this critical time when your resources and systems are strained. Please let us know how we can help you in any way.

Cary Breeze
Manager, Client Support Services
Toll-free (U.S. & International): 866-777-3911