The Catholic Craft Corner
Lent: Followers of Jesus
Hello, my brothers and sisters in Christ. This is the first article, of hopefully many more, in which I will provide a brief message and craft focused on a specific topic that can hopefully be done at home with your children, or perhaps if you are a catechist, with your students. Today’s topic and craft will focus on walking with Jesus during Lent.
Lent is the Church's season of forty days of fasting, prayer and almsgiving in preparation for the great Feast of the Resurrection, or Easter. For forty days, Christians recall how Jesus lived, suffered, and died for the sins of all humankind. Lent is a solemn time in the church year when we are asked to consider how we have sinned and turned away from God.
During the season of Lent, we focus on Jesus. As his followers we are called to imitate
his life and teachings. Jesus fasted and prayed in the desert for forty days after he was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. We fast and pray during Lent in preparation for Easter Sunday, when we will rejoice that Jesus is no longer in the tomb, but alive with us each day. By fasting and praying we become more like Jesus, whose entire life was focused on doing the will of his Father in Heaven.
For today’s craft activity “Choose to walk with Jesus," scissors, glue sticks, and a pen or marker will be needed.
Article by Roman Flores, Catechetical Ministry Coordinator