The Catholic Craft Corner
Easter Activities
Easter is a major celebration for Catholics as we celebrate that Jesus conquered death and thus won us eternal life. This is the foundation of our faith and that's why we should celebrate it in a big way.
We must be clear with our children that Easter begins on Easter Sunday but extends for 50 days, which is why we must be joyful during these days. It doesn't mean that we don't have problems or setbacks, but that we face them with joy and a positive attitude to bear witness to what Christ has done for us. No problem is bigger than death and Jesus overcame it, so He can help us in any circumstance, if we are willing to receive His help. Let us live an Easter with optimism, Hope, Faith and Charity.
As we plan with our family to celebrate Easter, we might find it necessary to explain to our children what Easter is and help them to make sure that they live it with a good attitude. Something that can help this process is through simple activities and crafts that allow us to live it together and live it intensely.
Article by Roman Flores, Catechetical Ministry Coordinator