
Proclaim the Good News

The Diocese of Fresno's Weekly Newsletter, published every Monday morning.

May 8, 2023


Office of the Bishop

Congratulations Fr. Guadalupe Vargas!

Bishop Brennan is pleased to announce the following Clergy appointment for Fr. Guadalupe Vargas.

Fr. Guadalupe Vargas will be assigned to full time Canon Law Studies at the Catholic University of America in Washington DC, effective May 15th! Fr. Guadalupe will be preparing for the professional practice of canon law to serve God and the Church in a crucial role.

Bishop Brennan Congratulates All Clergy Who Celebrate Anniversaries 

in the Month of May

Office of Communications

Welcome Alberto Sandoval!

Join us in welcoming Alberto Sandoval to the Office of Communications! Alberto will be our Multi-Media Coordinator.

He will handle video, photography, audio and graphics for the Diocese of Fresno.

Please give Alberto a warm welcome if you see him around!

Eucharistic Revival

Shrine Pilgrimage

Shrine of Our Lady of Miracles, Gustine

The Shrine Pilgrimage will make its FINAL stop at the Shrine of Our Lady of Miracles in Gustine! Join us and be part of the revival from May 14 - May 21st, 2023.

We are so thankful for our pilgrims who have followed us on this amazing journey to the Shrines of the Diocese of Fresno.

This is your chance to complete your passport and receive a plenary indulgence! Learn more at dioceseoffresno.org/shrine-pilgrimage

Office of Catholic Education

6th Grade Country Reports

Our Lady of Perpetual Help School

OLPH (Clovis) 6th grade students had their Final Country Reports. Their report also included authentic dress and a dessert from their country.


All other classes walked through and learned from the 6th grade students.

Courtesy of OLPH School, Clovis

St. La Salle School's Founders Dinner

Enjoy an Evening of Good Food, Drinks and Live Entertainment!

Parish Focus

The Sacrament of Confirmation Celebrated at St. Aloysius Church in Tulare

St. Aloysius Church in Tulare was pleased to have Bishop Joseph Brennan celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation with 55 candidates (now Confirmandi!) on Saturday, April 23. Celebrating this special Mass with Bishop Brennan was Monsignor Rick Urizalqui and Deacon Mario Vasquez. Families and friends of the candidates packed the pews. Music was provided beautifully by Erin Anderson and Scott Horton.


May the Holy Spirit fill their hearts with heavenly blessings - the desire to seek God, the faith to follow Him and the eagerness to know Him more fully each day.

Photo Credit: Angelina Jones, Courtesy of Jane Machado

First Holy Communion

St. Anthony of Padua Church, Fresno

St. Anthony of Padua continues our First Holy Communion celebrations for our GIFT (Growing In Faith Together) children at weekend Masses throughout the month of May. This enables the parish community to join with family and friends in this most special encounter with Jesus in Holy Eucharistic. The parish community is encouraged to pray for these young people and their families as they continue to grow in faith, love of Jesus and the Eucharistic.

Courtesy of Ray Young, Director of Ministries at St. Anthony of Padua Church, Fresno

Verso L'Alto

Middle School Retreat

On Saturday, April 22, a Middle School Retreat to Bass Lake was led by Good Shepherd Catholic Parish's Fr. Dalton and Religious Education Coordinator, Ana Navarro.

During the Retreat, they held Mass and a Rosary hike. It was a day full of prayer, reflection and fun - with a game of frisbee and other lawn games!

What a joyous time of year!

Courtesy of Victor Carrillo

Our Lady of Lourdes Rose Garden Dedication

Filiae Lumena Daughters of the Light

The Dedication for Our Lady of Lourdes Rose Garden was done by Bishop Brennan and Msgr. Patrick McCormick on Monday, May 1, 2023 at Holy Spirit Church in Fresno.

We had over 200 people attend a special Mass, Statue and Garden Dedication, that was followed by a Celebration Reception in Logan Hall.

Filiae Lumena Daughters of Light wish to thank each of our very generous donors, supporters and everyone that was involved in making our vision for a peaceful outdoor place of prayer a reality.

Courtesy of Evelyn Romeor, Filiae Lumena Ministry Coordinator

Office of Formation and Evangelization

An Afternoon of Love and Prayer

Prayer Service and Mass for Victims of Crime

April 23-29, 2023 was Victims' Rights Week. In solidarity with our hurting brothers and sisters, the Crime Survivors Ministry offered an 'Afternoon of Love and Prayers for the Victims of Crime' prayer service at St. Paul Catholic Newman Center last April 29, 2023.

Deacon Bill Lucido led the opening prayer and Linda Ram delivered the closing message. Fr. Paul Keller gave a healing talk about brokenness, pain, loss & grief and also blessed everyone with a healing prayer. Jim Grant led the group in lighting the candles of hope. Karl Gurney provided the music for meditation.The prayer service was held at 4 pm and was followed by a celebration of Mass at 5 pm where the cross with all the love notes were offered.

Help and assistance from John Prandini and all of SPCNC staff members and Crime Survivors Ministry volunteers Sally Peralta, Israel & Syvia Gonzalez, and Mona Avila were gratefully appreciated. The event was coordinated by Maciel Goburn with sponsorship from NK Foundation (Lisa-Nick Kauls).

Please join us on July 8, 2023, Saturday for a Healing Retreat for Victims of Crime. For registration and questions, contact Maciel Godburn at (559) 325-6888. 

Courtesy of Cielito 'Maciel' Godburn, Crime Survivors Ministry

Health & Nursing Ministry

Happy International Nurses Day!

May 12, 2023

Thank you for your gifts and talents. May God continue to bless you and strengthen your faith. You make a difference: anytime, anywhere and always!

Let us all celebrate, with thanksgiving, the sacrifices, and contributions each Nurse makes for the sake of those in their care.

Share your story!!! Write to us about your story for our Journal. We will be celebrating all week of May 6 – 12 and for the month as well. Perhaps you have been on the receiving end of a Nurses care that gave you hope and tender care. Write to us about that and pray for nurses all over the world.

Please send in your submission to Roxanna Stevens, RN at rstevens@dioceseoffresno.org

Pictured above: Faith Community Nurses with Msgr. Ray Dreiling

Diocesan Retreat Centers

Mother's Day Brunch

St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers

Looking for a place to celebrate your Mother for Mother's Day? Please consider our Retreat Center’s Mother's Day Brunch in Three Rivers on May 14 from 8:30AM-1:30PM.

Prices are $45 for adults, $20 for children 7-15 y/o. Children under 6 years old eat free. Reservations are required, please call 559-561-4595 for reservations.


Event Name



More Info

The Acts of the Apostles: Presentation by Deacon John Sousa

St. Brigid's McHugh Hall, Hanford

May 8, 2023

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

View the Flyer

The Marian Family Festival

PDDM Divine Master Convent, Fresno

May 13, 2023

6:00 PM

View the Flyer

Mother's Day Brunch

St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers

May 14, 2023

8:30 AM -1:30 PM

View the Flyer

Shrine Pilgrimage

Shrine of Our Lady of Miracles, Gustine

May 14 - 21, 2023

View the Flyer

The Acts of the Apostles: Presentation by Deacon John Sousa

St. Brigid's McHugh Hall, Hanford

May 15, 2023

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

View the Flyer


St. Anthony New Church, Reedley

May 19, 2023

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

View the Flyer

The Marian Family Festival

PDDM Divine Master Convent, Fresno

May 20, 2023

6:00 PM

View the Flyer

Refilling the Well:

A Day of Retreat

for Women

St. Patrick's Hall, Merced

May 20, 2023

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

View the Flyer

33rd Annual Blessing of the Bikes

St. Helen's Church, Fresno

May 20, 2023

12:00 PM

View the Flyer

Annual Founders Dinner

St. La Salle School, Reedley

May 20, 2023

6:00 PM

View the Flyer

Gran Kermes -

Food Sale

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Mendota

May 21, 2023

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

View the Flyer

Cornhole Tournament

Holy Family Catholic Church, Kingsburg

May 21, 2023

12:00 PM

View the Flyer

St. Rita's Dedication Mass

*Invitation only*

St. Rita's Catholic Church, Tulare

May 22, 2023

2:00 PM

View the Flyer

Photo Trip of the Holy Land with Deacon John Sousa

St. Brigid's McHugh Hall, Hanford

May 22, 2023

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

View the Flyer

Come Away Retreat

St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers

May 23 - 25, 2023

View the Flyer

Our Diocesan Priesthood Ordination

St. Charles Borromeo Church, Visalia

May 27, 2023

10:30 AM

View the Flyer

Pentecost Sunday: Living Rosary Celebration

PDDM Divine Master Convent, Fresno

May 28, 2023

7:00 PM

View the Flyer

Annual Memorial Day Mass

St. Peter's Catholic Cemetery, Fresno

May 29, 2023

10:00 AM

View the Flyer

6-Day Silent Directed Retreat

St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers

June 11 - 17, 2023

View the Flyer

Summer Kick-Off Luncheon

St. Agnes Social Hall, Pinedale

June 14, 2023

11:30 AM - 2:00 PM

View the Flyer

Jr. High Camp

Santa Teresita Youth Conference Center, Three Rivers

June 26 - 30, 2023

View the Flyer

Healing Retreat for Victims of Crime

St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers

July 8, 2023

8:00 AM-5:00 PM

View the Flyer

High School Camp

Santa Teresita Youth Conference Center, Three Rivers

July 31-Aug 4, 2023

View the Flyer

Women's Retreat

St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers

September 22 - 24, 2023

View the Flyer

Prayer of the Week

Have Something Special to Share?

We want to know! Share what's happening around our Diocese.

Contact Samantha Mejia, Marketing & Public Relations Specialist at smejia@dioceseoffresno.org


"As God's beloved people we are called in and through the Spirit to live in unity and love and to proclaim the

Good News of Jesus, especially amongst the poor and marginal of our society."

“Como pueblo amado de Dios estamos llamados en y a través del Espíritu Santo a vivir en unidad y amor, y para anunciar la Buena Nueva de Jesús, especialmente entre los pobres y los marginados de nuestra sociedad.”

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1550 North Fresno Street

Fresno, CA 93703-3788

Phone: (559) 488-7400

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