
Proclaim the Good News

The Diocese of Fresno's Weekly Newsletter, published every Monday morning.

December 11, 2023

Office of the Bishop

Welcome our Newly Ordained Transitional Deacons!

Join Bishop Brennan and the Diocese of Fresno in welcoming our Transitional Deacons, ordained on Saturday, December 9th.

They are assigned Transitional Deacons to the following Parishes: 

  • Rev. Mr. Adrian Arreola to St. Joseph's Church, Selma
  • Rev. Mr. Joseph Klinge to the Shrine of Our Lady of Miracles, Gustine

Watch the Mass of Ordination by visiting our website.

Watch the Ordination!

Advent Gospel Reflections

Watch the Latest Video!

The 2nd Sunday of Advent Gospel Reflection is here!

"What is peace? Where should we search for peace?"

Watch the latest Advent Reflection from Seminarian Scott Borba!

The Feast Day of

Our Lady of Guadalupe

The Diocese of Fresno commemorates the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Tuesday, December 12th.

How is your parish celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe? Send in photos to smejia@dioceseoffresno.org!

Discover More

Bishop Brennan wishes his Diocesan Staff a Happy Birthday

Office of Vocations

Seminarian Formation Progress

Pray for our Transitional Deacons

Our Transitional Deacons, who are studying at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, are completing their seminary formation. After Christmas, they will begin the period of Vocational Synthesis in preparation for their ordination as priests this coming May 2024! Please keep them in your prayers.

Courtesy of the Diocese of Fresno's Vocations Office

Parish Focus

Rite of Acceptance at Religious Ed Mass

St. Ann, Ridgecrest

Children in the Religious Education program at St. Ann Church in Ridgecrest attend Mass once a month instead of class. At the most recent Religious Ed Mass, 15 RCIA students were received into the church through the Rite of Acceptance and Welcome by Father Santiago Iriarte, pastor of St. Ann Church.

These students were accompanied by 15 recently confirmed teens and youth. What a special time for both groups–for the RCIA students to see role models in the confirmed teens and the confirmed teens knowing their presence is contributing to the RCIA students’ convictions in becoming Catholic.

We are thankful for this amazing growth in our Catholic community in Ridgecrest. Come, Holy Spirit!

Courtesy of Marla Morgan, CRE, St. Ann, Ridgecrest

2nd Grand Simbang Gabi

Filipino Community in the Diocese of Fresno

You're invited to the 2nd Grand Simbang Gabi on Friday, December 15th at 6pm! 

The celebration will take place at St. Charles Borromeo Church in Visalia. 

The main celebrant will be Bishop Brennan along with Filipino Priests and Guest Priests as concelebrants.

Please view the flyer for more inquiries.

Learn More!

Posada Celebration

St. Patrick's Church, Merced

The Catholic Newman Club of UC Merced celebrated Posadas with other St. Patrick's Parishioners this past weekend.

It was an evening of prayer and fellowship as we congratulated the students graduating in a few days and welcomed the new officers to their positions.

Courtesy of Rosemarie Pierce, Administrative Assistant, St. Patrick's Church

Advent Spotlight

Celebrating the Advent Season

The Advent Season is a beautiful time for the church. To celebrate the season, Advent wreaths and decorations are displayed throughout the Diocese - from our parishes to the Pastoral Center!

St. Paul Catholic Newman Center, Fresno

Courtesy of Dan Nickerson, Interim Parish Life Coordinator, St. Paul Catholic Newman Center

Courtesy of St. John's Cathedral, Fresno

St. John's Cathedral,


Chancery Office

at the Pastoral Center

St. Patrick's Church, Merced

Courtesy of St. Patrick's Church, Merced

Catechetical Ministry

Quick Catechesis

Our Lady of Guadalupe and Advent

Marian themes are predominant throughout the liturgy of Advent and Christmas; in fact, the whole month of December could be dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. However, the second week of Advent is always considered the most Marian week since it usually includes two high feasts of Mary. Both days are patronal feasts for Americans, with the Immaculate Conception as the patroness for the United States of America and Our Lady of Guadalupe as the patroness of the Americas.

The Feast days of Saint Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe both reside in early December, and they are the perfect days to celebrate with your family during Advent! The Feast Day of Saint Juan Diego falls each year on December 9, and Our Lady of Guadalupe’s falls on December 12. This is an especially important feast day for Mexican Catholics and there are many beautiful celebrations and traditions that revolve around these feast days along with events at the parish level.

Click Read More for highlights of the story of St. Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe that you can share with your children, or if you are a catechist, with your students.

Article by Roman Flores, Catechetical Ministry Coordinator

Read More (ENG/ESP)
Download Craft Activity

Prayer of the Week


Event Name



More Info

2nd Grand

Simbang Gabi

St. Charles Borromeo Church, Visalia

December 15, 2023 6:00 PM

View the Flyer

Blessing of the Bambinelli

Holy Spirit Church, Fresno

December 16-17, 2023

See Flyer for Details

View the Flyer

6-Day Silent Directed Retreat

St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers

January 28 -

February 3, 2024

View the Flyer

*A Note to our Parishes: Do you have a Parish Event you would like to promote? Send over your event flyer to smejia@dioceseoffresno.org and we'll include it in the event section on our newsletter and website!

Have Something Special to Share?

We want to know! Share what's happening around our Diocese.

Contact Samantha Mejia, Promotion & Marketing Specialist at smejia@dioceseoffresno.org


"As God's beloved people we are called in and through the Spirit to live in unity and love and to proclaim the

Good News of Jesus, especially amongst the poor and marginal of our society."

“Como pueblo amado de Dios estamos llamados en y a través del Espíritu Santo a vivir en unidad y amor, y para anunciar la Buena Nueva de Jesús, especialmente entre los pobres y los marginados de nuestra sociedad.”

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Fresno, CA 93703-3788

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