Catechetical Ministries In Motion
Our Lady Of The Sierra, Oakhurst
This past weekend while in Oakhurst in support of the Basic Catechist Certification process for their parish catechists, I had the opportunity to focus on the topics of the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the creeds. Thank you to Erlinda Teisinger and her team along with Fr. Victor for being such wonderful hosts and of course for their great hospitality.
One of my favorite topics of this session is when we focus on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how it flows through and around us, moving those that embrace it and learn to recognize it in their lives.
The Holy Spirit was compared to the wind in which even though we cannot see it we can feel it working through us and around us. Another form of imagery that was utilized is as a story of a stream in which the stream is transformed by the clouds and carried by it to transform it into rain therefore allowing the stream to continue.
Article by Roman Flores, Catechetical Ministries Coordinator