
Proclaim the Good News

The Diocese of Fresno's Weekly Newsletter, published every Monday morning.

May 16, 2022


Office of the Bishop

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Bishop Brennan Invites All to Celebrate our Diocesan Priesthood Ordination at St. Anthony of Padua Church, Fresno

Bishop Brennan is pleased to announce the following Deacons on their Ordination to Priesthood:


  • Deacon Juan Carlos Reynoso Lozano
  • Deacon Oscar Luis Anaya Cuevas
  • Deacon Dalton Scott Rogers  

We invite you to join us in this celebration at St. Anthony of Padua Church, Fresno on Saturday, May 28th at 10:30AM.

The Ordination will be livestreamed.

Visit our website for more information.

Bishop Brennan Celebrates Cesar Chavez Commemorative Mass

Bishop Brennan was the celebrant of Cesar Chavez's Commemorative Mass at St. John's Cathedral, Fresno. A special thank you to Paul Chavez who gave a speech in honor of his father's legacy during the Mass. 

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Catholic News Service photo/Gregory A. Shemitz

Join Bishop Brennan In Prayer

For Cardinal Zen

Bishop Brennan asks the faithful to join him in prayer for Cardinal Zen along with prayer for peaceful resolution for unjust in our world.

Please see the statement put out by the USCCB on Cardinal Zen’s arrest.

Bishop Brennan Wishes His Diocesan Staff A Happy Birthday

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Properties and Facilities 


The Consecration of St. Charles

Borromeo Church, Visalia 

The Largest Parish Church in North America 

It has recently come to our attention that the definition of Visalia is, “Precious angel of the heavens. Given to this Earth in a sacred way to help those who cross her path.” How appropriate a name that fits the building of our new church St. Charles Borromeo, the house of God, given to us in a sacred way to help those who cross her path. 


The historic building of the largest Catholic Parish Church in North America that will seat 3,200 individuals is nearing completion. This project is for everyone in the Diocese of Fresno. A spectator place of worship bringing to life the pillars of our faith, rich in theology, arts in its many forms, created by professionals from various parts of the world come to life in this new place of worship.  

Only through the Grace and Guidance of the Holy Spirit has the undertaking nearing completion and the fulfillment of the dreams and prayers of our parishioners and those that initiated the project like Bishop John T. Steinbock and those that followed, Bishop Armando X. Ochoa, and now under Bishop Joseph V. Brennan and the leadership of Pastor Fr. Alex Chavez. 


Key date: Consecration of the new church is scheduled for November 4, 2022.


Please visit our website to experience and animated fly-through of the envisioned St. Charles Borromeo Church and all the elements that are at the heart of all our efforts. This is the largest Catholic Church building project in modern history. Please graciously consider being part of this historic project by giving a onetime $100 donation or sponsoring a sacred art item or liturgical furnishing in honor of one of your loved ones by visiting our virtual catalog: StCharlesvisalia.org 


Article by: Deacon Henry J. Medina, Director of Administration of Good Shepherd Catholic Parish 

Office of Education

Garces Memorial High School Welcome Kent Hickey

Kent Hickey To Become The Transitional President of Garces Starting August 2022

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Parish Focus 

Family Day At Our Lady of Lourdes, Corcoran and

Knights of Columbus Council #10248 Seminarian Dinner Fundraiser 

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Catechetical Ministries 

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The Catechetical Corner 

Catechizing New Believers

When a person accepts Christ, they are exposed to a concept with which they may not be too familiar or perhaps just beginning to understand. As catechists that take part in this process through our ministries that is where our work has just begun. When we serve in a ministry that allows us the opportunity to be participants in the faith formation of those that the Lord will send before us, the first years, and even the first 24 hours, are vital to establishing an understanding and a profound representation as to who the Lord is, or at least can be for them. You might be the first time someone is exposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

It might be the first time someone has met the Lord, but it shouldn't be the last.

Read more (ENG/ESP)

Quick Catechesis 

Simple Steps in Community Outreach to New Believers 

1. Community of Prayer

When we become a praying community, we become one voice that not only seeks the Lord's guidance, but also seeks to put it into practice as one community, as one body of Christ in which new believers can feel supported and accepted. The community that prays together remains together.

2. Live the Word of God

It is essential for those whom we catechize to learn to read the bible and listen to the Word of God, but more important to live it. Allow new believers to see the Word of God in you and reflected through your actions not just through words.

3. Build Relationships and Create Community

Share your lives with new believers, being open and honest about right and wrong, as well as what God is teaching us. Get them involved in your community, work together, and become friends. Encourage and support new believers in this new stage of life.

Articles by: Roman Flores, Catechetical Ministries Coordinator 

More steps (ENG/ESP)

Prayer of the Week

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Event Name



More Info

Come Away Retreat 

St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers

May 17-19, 2022

Times on Flyer 

View the Flyer 

St. La Salle School's Founder Dinner

St. La Salle School, Reedley

May 21, 2022

Times on Flyer

View the Flyer

Fundraiser for Charities

St. Jude Catholic Church, Easton

June 5, 2022

View the Flyer

Six-Day Silent Directed Retreat

St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers

June 5-11, 2022

Times on Flyer 

View the Flyer 

Led by the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit Church, Fresno

May 20-21, 2022

View the Flyer

Profession of Solemn Vows

St. Malachy's Catholic Church, Tehachapi

September 17, 2022

10:00 AM

View the Flyer 

Have Something Special to Share?

We want to know! Share what's happening around our Diocese.

Contact Samantha Mejia, Marketing & Public Relations Specialist at smejia@dioceseoffresno.org


"As God's beloved people we are called in and through the Spirit to live in unity and love and to proclaim the

Good News of Jesus, especially amongst the poor and marginal of our society."

“Como pueblo amado de Dios estamos llamados en y a través del Espíritu Santo a vivir en unidad y amor, y para anunciar la Buena Nueva de Jesús, especialmente entre los pobres y los marginados de nuestra sociedad.”

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1550 North Fresno Street

Fresno, CA 93703-3788

Phone: (559) 488-7400

Fax: (559) 488-7464

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