
Proclaim the Good News

The Diocese of Fresno's Weekly Newsletter, published every Monday morning.

August 15, 2022


Office of the Bishop

Bishop Brennan Joined The United Farm Workers

'March For The Governor's Signature'

Bishop Brennan and Bishop Emeritus Ochoa joined marchers as they passed St. Anthony Mary Claret, Fresno in support of encouraging the California governor to sign AB 2183 into law. 


Bishop Brennan blessed the marchers as they entered into Calwa Recreational Park - where they ended day 9 of their 24-day, 355 mile march.

A special thank you to St. Anthony Mary Claret Church for their participation! 

View photos from the UFW March here! 

Bishop Brennan Celebrates St. Mary Church, Sanger Centennial Mass

St. Mary's Church, Sanger reached a historic milestone - 100 Year Anniversary!

Bishop Brennan celebrated their Centennial Mass and blessed the statues surrounding the inside of the church.  Each statue was donated within the parish! 

View more photos 

Bishop Brennan Congratulates All Clergy and Religious Sisters Who Celebrate Anniversaries In The Month of August

Office of Catholic Education

A Sweet Moment From St. Joachim School, Madera 1st Day Back!

Check Out This Heartwarming Interaction 

I was speaking to a second-grade young man at recess and asked him about his summer. Then I told him that I was at school all summer by myself except for Mrs. Casillas. This wise youngster then turned towards the grotto and the statue of Mary and said, "Mother Mary was here with you this summer! She's always here with you!"


And that is why we do what we do! It just made my day and reminded me to slow down, appreciate that we are never alone with Mother Mary always at our side. I hope this brought a smile to your day!

Shared by Mrs. Heather Forcey, Principal at St. Joachim School in Madera. 


View Photos From Our Catholic Schools On Their First Day Back! 

Fr. Henry visited and gave blessings at each classroom at St. Rose McCarthy School in Hanford 

St. Francis Parish School, Bakersfield (Left) 

St. Aloysius School, Tulare (Right) 

View photo album

Parish Focus

An Invitation To Pray The Holy Rosary

Meditate On The Glorious Mysteries

Catholic Ministry Is Needed In Fresno Jails

You're Invited To An Introductory Meeting 

The pandemic had yet another victim. Between jail lockdowns and volunteer concerns, the presence of a Catholic ministry in the Fresno jails has all but disappeared. We are trying to rectify this problem by recruiting volunteers to conduct services for and make visits to the Catholic inmates. If you are seeking a personal encounter with Jesus, it is guaranteed that you will find Him there.

Hope to see you there.

God bless,

The Matthew 25 Group

Laudato Si: On Care For Our Common Home

To Encourage Catholics Worldwide To Respond To "The Cry Of The Earth And The Poor"

View flyer

Our Lady of Fatima Annual Celebration Raffle 

All Proceeds Benefit The Catholic School of Visalia, George McCann Memorial Campus

The Annual Our Lady of Fatima Raffle Drawing is a major source of the fundraising efforts of the Our Lady of Fatima Committee. This year, we will be offering a Grand Prize of $3,500.00.

Tickets may be purchased at either the church or school offices, by calling the school office at 559-732-5831 or the parish office at 559-734-9522 or by downloading the order form at one of the following websites: 

gscparish.com or catholicschoolvisalia.org

The suggested donation for each ticket is $30.00; only 2,000 tickets will be printed so don’t wait!

The raffle will officially close on Thursday, November 17, 2022 and the drawing will take place on Friday, November 18, 2022 at the George McCann school’s morning assembly. Your generosity is greatly needed so we prayerfully ask that you consider supporting this fundraiser by purchasing one or several tickets, whatever your situation might allow.

Raffle ticket order form

Office of Formation and Evangelization

View the flyer

The Diocese of Fresno's 28th Annual Marian Eucharistic Conference

The Annual Marian Eucharistic Conference will be held at Holy Spirit Church, Fresno from October 28 - 30, 2022.

The conference will be filled with exciting speakers and musicians - including Bishop Brennan who will be the celebrant of the opening Mass!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to gather and celebrate God's grace, register today

For more information, please contact Christy at (559) 824-0732 or

Vikki (559) 824-5414

Visit website at holycrossministries.net

Catechetical Ministries

Catechetical Ministries In Motion

St. Joseph, Bakersfield

Parish volunteer work has many interesting qualities and aspects that lend themselves to unique opportunities of amazing fulfillment or stagnating challenges. The former can be achieved when we accept any type of service as an opportunity of selfless giving, especially when it comes to serving the Lord’s people for the right reasons. But when it comes to the latter, being challenged by any type of service is made that much more difficult when we feel burdened to do something. If we choose to though, any challenge can be an opportunity depending on our perspective.

This past weekend I provided a catechist retreat to the catechists of St. Joseph’s Church in Bakersfield along with catechists from their mission church San Clemente. As always, the leadership team provided an amazing environment and took care of the logistics. The catechists that participated also had a fantastic vibe an energy to them as well, which always makes any event that much more effective and dynamic. A heartfelt thank you to all the participants in making this event possible.

Article by Roman Flores, Catechetical Ministries Coordinator

Read more (ENG/ESP)

Health and Nursing Ministry 

West Nile Virus

Culex Mosquitos, West Nile Virus and Saint Louis Encephalitis Virus In Fresno County 

There are 163 cases in Fresno county.

Please read this article to learn what it is, how you get it and how to prevent it. I am praying that you have a safe summer and experience good health.

Courtesy of Roxanna Stevens R.N., Coordinator of Health Ministry 


Event Name



More Info

The National Eucharistic Revival Mass

Holy Spirit Church, Fresno

August 15, 2022

7:00 PM 

View the Flyer 

St. Paul Newman Center's Book Study 

St. Paul Newman Center, Fresno

August 22, 2022 

12 noon - 1PM 

View the Flyer

Marriage Enrichment Retreat

St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers

September 9 - 11, 2022

View the Flyer

Transfigured with Patricia Sandoval

St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Merced

September 11, 2022 3:00 PM

View the Flyer

Profession of Solemn Vows

St. Malachy's Catholic Church, Tehachapi

September 17, 2022

10:00 AM

View the Flyer 

Catholic Charities 19th Annual Harvest of Hope

Valdez Hall, Fresno

September 24, 2022 5:30 PM

View the Flyer

St. Patrick's Parish Community Raffle

St. Patrick's Parish, Merced

September 24, 2022 7:00PM

View the Flyer 

'Simple Grace' Young Adult Retreat

Santa Teresita Youth Conference Center, Three Rivers

September 24, 2022

View the Flyer 

7th Annual Divine Mercy Golf Tournament

Belmont Country Club, Fresno

September 30, 2022

View the Flyer 

Congress and Youth Day 2022

Visalia Convention Center

October 7 - 9, 2022

View the Flyer 

Rachel's Vineyard 

St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers

October 7 - 9, 2022

View the Flyer 

28th Annual Marian Eucharistic Conference

Holy Spirit Church, Fresno

October 28 - 30, 2022

View the Flyer 

Prayer of the Week

Have Something Special to Share?

We want to know! Share what's happening around our Diocese.

Contact Samantha Mejia, Marketing & Public Relations Specialist at smejia@dioceseoffresno.org


"As God's beloved people we are called in and through the Spirit to live in unity and love and to proclaim the

Good News of Jesus, especially amongst the poor and marginal of our society."

“Como pueblo amado de Dios estamos llamados en y a través del Espíritu Santo a vivir en unidad y amor, y para anunciar la Buena Nueva de Jesús, especialmente entre los pobres y los marginados de nuestra sociedad.”

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