Catechetical Ministries In Motion
Shrine of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Fresno
This past Sunday, I had the blessing of being able to share with deacon candidates and their wives at the Shrine of St. Thérèse of Lisieux in Fresno upon the subject of forming catechists.
A warm thank you to Deacon John Sousa, Deacon Mark Shultz, and Deacon Daniel Sandoval for the invite and the warm hospitality along with all of those that were present that morning for the diaconate formation class.
As ministry leaders when forming catechists, the model we employ for helping them in their mission must first include this vital call to form them as disciples. More than teaching them to develop good lesson plans, we need to call them to deeper prayer, along with praying right alongside them. Beyond teaching them how to manage their classrooms, we need to help strengthen them in virtue to be stronger witnesses for Christ.
Article by: Roman Flores, Catechetical Ministries Coordinator