The Office of Formation and Evangelization is always seeking better ways to communicate with pastors/administrators, parish leaders, and anyone in ministry. We are working on a few ways to do this:
Flocknote: Our main email source
Grapevine: Starting Nov. 1st, we are restarting our Grapevine Newsletter (out the first week of each month)
Website: Our growing pages on the Diocesan website will include as much information as possible!
Social Media: Make sure to follow us on Facebook, we have various active pages - along with a Youtube Channel!
Office of Formation and Evangelization - @DOFMinistries
Youth and Young Adult Ministry – @DOFyoungpeople
Hispanic Ministry - @DOFMinisterioHispano
Youtube Channel - DOF Formation and Evangelization
Help up stay connected with you! If you have any suggestions, please send to
Courtesy of Rose M. Hernandez, Director of Office of Formation and Evangelization