The Catechetical Corner
Spiritual Renewal During Lent
In this Lenten season, as we focus on prayer and reconciliation for the preparation of the coming celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, allow prayer to be manifested in the many ways that it can throughout your everyday lives. By the grace of God be guided in discipline of mind, body, and soul to be renewed in His Spirit, for without our Lord we can do nothing. Find new life through penance and be kept from sin and choose to live by His commandments. God will send the Spirit to make us strong in faith and conviction and we will be nourished by Him through love and prayer as we are kept faithful to Him through the Gospel. Our Lord is the source of life, reach out with joy and grasp His hand and walk more readily in His ways and gentle mercy, for left to ourselves we cannot do His will and we will fall to our human weaknesses. Strengthen and renew yourselves through fasting, prayer, service and the Word of God.
Through fasting we give up certain luxuries or foods and we are able to focus more fully on our spiritual lives and experience a deeper sense of hunger for God. Through prayer we help deepen our spiritual life and come closer to Him by setting aside time each day for quiet reflection and meditation. In the service to others, we can strengthen our faith during Lent by engaging in acts of charity and almsgiving. These acts of kindness also connect us to the community of believers around us and deepen our sense of purpose. And of course, studying the Bible during Lent is important because it helps to deepen our understanding of God’s word and the teachings of Jesus. Through this process, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the sacrifice that He made for us and come to know Him better.
Article by: Roman Flores, Catechetical Ministries Coordinator