The Diocese of Fresno has a new Director of Finance, Dario Gomez. My name is Julia Bracamonte and I am a Staff Accountant. I have joined this team in October of 2021.
Dario and I are working hard to help all Parishes get caught up after this pandemic. We just finished a workshop for New Pastors and New Administrators. The feedback was great and we hope to conduct so much more in the future. I want to make sure that everyone understands that we are here to help everyone at the Parish level. We offer one-on-one trainings and in the future, on-site trainings. We’re only a phone call away for those that have questions on rules and regulations, procedures in entering financials and any other need that you may have in the accounting field. If we cannot answer your question, we will direct you to the persons that can. Thank you so much for all of your hard work and dedication.
God Bless You All.
Article by: Julia Bracamonte, Staff Accountant / Contact:
Dario Gomez, Director of Finance / Contact: