Catechetical Ministries in Motion
Sacred Heart, Bakersfield
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of being invited to the parish of Sacred Heart in Bakersfield to provide a catechetical workshop of which one of the topics was the spirituality of the vocation of catechesis.
When I went over the topic, I focused on the person of the catechist and the relationship of the catechist and Christ in the development and growth of the faith within the ministry and oneself.
Because the content of faith is one Person, the Person of Christ, the person of the catechist is fundamental to the success in the development of that faith and all its content, which can be achieved through a vocation.
To be a catechist is to live the vocation of Baptism. It is through Baptism and much later, through Confirmation that catechists are called to proclaim the Kingdom of God. Therefore, it is necessary that catechists be aware of the mission of assuming catechesis in the community.
Article by: Roman Flores, Catechetical Ministries Coordinator