The Catechetical Corner
Celebrating the Resurrection
The celebration of Easter is one of the most significant events in biblical history. As we remember it, believers visibly and actively celebrate God's redemptive work for His people throughout Scripture. However, as a catechist, I do tend to encounter parishioners on occasion, both young and older, that still do not understand what this celebration is about.
We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. We embrace the fundamental aspects of the Passover and the story of redemption. Jesus is the Passover Lamb.
Not only did Jesus celebrate the Passover, but He Himself became the sacrificial lamb at Passover. In chapter 12 of the book of Exodus, we are told how the sacrifice of God's lamb was not only precise in time, but also in purpose. The blood of the Passover lamb guarded, for one night, God's people from the righteous judgment of the Lord that would come upon Egypt for the sin of the Egyptians. Likewise, the blood of the Lamb of God eternally guards God's people from the righteous judgment of the Lord who comes upon all the earth for the sin of mankind.
Article by Roman Flores, Catechetical Coordinator