Proclaim the Good News
The Diocese of Fresno's Weekly Newsletter, published every Monday morning.
The 100th Anniversary Mass of
Sacred Heart Church in Dos Palos
Congratulations to the community of Dos Palos on the 100th Anniversary of Sacred Heart Church!
Bishop Myron Cotta, Bishop of the Diocese of Stockton, celebrated the 100th Anniversary Mass on November 9th. Bishop Cotta gave a heartfelt homily on his life growing up in Dos Palos, attending Sacred Heart Church and being ordained a priest in the Diocese of Fresno to now Bishop of the Diocese of Stockton.
Bishop Brennan thanks Bishop Cotta for coming to his hometown to celebrate this special occasion!
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Pictured to the left: Fr. Anthony Iromenu, Pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Dos Palos
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Engaging the Church in Today's World:
Webinar featuring Bishop Brennan
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Bishop Brennan exemplifies the importance of engaging with people of all backgrounds and generations in the digital world.
“Inviting people to engage in the conversation of our faith on these wide-reaching platforms is the way our Church grows.”
Bishop Brennan and Chandler Marquez, the Diocese of Fresno’s Director of Communications, will be guest speaking at eCatholic’s Engaging the Church in Today’s World webinar on Friday, November 22 at 11:15 AM. We welcome anyone who is passionate about keeping the Church connected, inspired and relevant in today’s digital landscape to attend the webinar!
Radiate Love:
Bishop Brennan's Message and Challenge to Couples and Families
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Bishop Brennan challenges Catholic families to recalibrate. In a time where prices are rising and families are working hard, Bishop Brennan reminds the faithful what love doesn’t cost.
Click here to watch Bishop Brennan's special message for the California Catholic Conference's Radiate Love initiative in celebration of the beauty of marriage and families.
Check out Radiate Love resources from the CCC for the month of November here.
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Right to Life of Central California's
36th Annual Christmas Dinner and Auction
| Right to Life of Central California cordially invites you to the 36th Annual Christmas Dinner and Auction on Friday, December 6th at the Fresno Convention Center! Join them for a joyous night in celebration and support of Right to Life of Central California's mission to protect the sanctity of life. Bishop Brennan will be attending and hopes to see you there! |
Bishop Brennan wishes his Diocesan staff a Happy Birthday | |
Office of the Vicar General | | |
Annual Retirement Fund for Religious
December 7 - 8, 2024
The Annual Second Collection Retirement Fund for Religious will take place throughout our parishes on Saturday, December 7th and Sunday, December 8th.
We ask for your generosity to help support those who have given a lifetime to serve the faithful. Your gift is a direct opportunity to thank our religious women and men by ensuring them a secure retirement.
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Office of Catholic Education | |
Annual Science Fair
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School, Clovis
The students of Our Lady Perpetual Help School in Clovis showed off their creative ideas and impressive experiments at their Annual Science Fair.
We love to see our young scientists in action!
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Courtesy of Our Lady of Perpetual Help School, Clovis | |
The Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe Co-patroness of the Unborn, Bakersfield
| Courtesy of Virginia Santos, Campaign Manager, Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Co-patroness of the Unborn | | |
Eucharistic Retreat and Mass
St. Anthony of Padua Church, Reedley
All are invited to attend a Eucharistic Retreat and Mass at St. Anthony's Old Church in Reedley! Join them on Thursday, November 21st and Friday, November 22nd for an evening of reflection and prayer.
For more details, please view the flyer!
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Ladies' Luncheon: Let your Star Shine!
St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers
St. Anthony Retreat Center in Three Rivers invites all ladies to a wonderful luncheon!
Join them on Sunday, November 24th from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm for a delicious lunch, DIY crafting, fellowship and a Mass!
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Catechetical Ministries in Motion
Retreats for Children
Retreats for children can be amazing for fostering spiritual growth, personal development and stronger family bonds. By providing a nurturing and supportive environment for children to explore their faith, retreats created specifically for them can help shape their young lives in profound ways.
If you're a parish considering a retreat for the children, it is essential to choose one that aligns with their age, maturity level and spiritual needs.
- Ensure that the retreat’s focus and objectives resonate with their interests and spiritual journey.
- Research different types of activities and resources that can be implemented. It shouldn’t just be talk, talk, talk.
- Always implement appropriate safety measures to ensure a positive and secure experience for them.
Article by Roman Flores, Catechetical Coordinator
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Health and Nursing Ministry | |
November Health Tips
American Diabetes Association
Check out a few health tips from the American Diabetes Association on how to manage diabetes during Thanksgiving.
1. Prioritize Self Care
2. Bring a Healthy Dish to Share
3. Avoid Skipping meals
4. Practice Mindful Eating Over Mindless Easting
5. Plan Out Your Plate
6. Think About Your Drink
7. Move After the Meal
| Courtesy of Health and Nursing Ministry | |
*A Note to our Parishes: Do you have a Parish Event you would like to promote? Send over your event flyer to smejia@dioceseoffresno.org and we'll include it in the event section on our newsletter and website! | |
Have Something Special to Share?
We want to know! Share what's happening around our Diocese.
Contact Samantha Mejia, Promotion & Marketing Specialist at smejia@dioceseoffresno.org
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"As God's beloved people we are called in and through the Spirit to live in unity and love and to proclaim the
Good News of Jesus, especially amongst the poor and marginal of our society."
“Como pueblo amado de Dios estamos llamados en y a través del Espíritu Santo a vivir en unidad y amor, y para anunciar la Buena Nueva de Jesús, especialmente entre los pobres y los marginados de nuestra sociedad.”
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