
Proclaim the Good News

The Diocese of Fresno's Weekly Newsletter, published every Monday morning.

May 9, 2022


Office of the Bishop

Bishop Brennan Welcomes His Beatitude Raphael Bedros XXI,

Armenian Catholic Patriarch of the See of Cilicia 

Bishop Brennan Invites You to Attend Vespers With His Beatitude Raphael Bedros XXI

at St. John's Cathedral, Fresno

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Bishop Brennan Will Be The Celebrant Of Cesar Chavez's Commemorative Mass

at St. John's Cathedral, Fresno

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Bishop Brennan Congratulates All Clergy and Religious who Celebrate Anniversaries in the Month of May

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Office of the Vicar General

Mass of Solemn Profession at St. Malachy's Catholic Church, Tehachapi

Celebrate the Profession of Solemn Vows

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Office of Education

Fulfilling the Mission of Jesus Christ 

Students Give Back To Their Communities Through Multiple Projects

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Garces Memorial High School, Bakersfield Interact Club delivers 78 duffle bags for teens to CASA of Kern County.

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Mrs. Provenzano’s 6th grade class at St. Joachim School, Madera made and donated blankets to Madera Rehab & Nursing.

Diocesan Synod Update

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Synod Listening Sessions 

Submit Your Listening Session Response to the

Synod Committee

The Synod process is still moving forward! Many parishes are still hosting listening sessions, while some are working on their summary to submit to our Synod Committee. Thank you to all who have worked hard to make this Synod a success! 

The deadline to submit information for our diocesan report is June 1st. Parish representatives have been sent the links to submit a parish report in both English and Spanish, and the link is also available on our website

Parishes are also encouraged to download our new brochure, which includes a link and QR code so people can submit their individual response to the Synod questions. These are great to use with people who were not able to attend a listening session, or for people who do not usually go to church or did not feel comfortable attending a session. The purpose of the Synod is to hear everyone’s voice, not only those who go to Mass each Sunday or who were able to attend a session. The due date for individual submissions is also June 1st. 

We hope reports will be sent soon, as the Synod Committee needs time to read each and every one and create a synopsis that represents the parishes of our diocese. This synopsis is due to the USCCB by June 30th. We appreciate the help in using the upcoming weeks to submit information. 

Help us share the good news of the Synod! Share pictures of your parish Synod experiences on social media and tag #synodDOF. Want to share your parish story? Contact Rosie at rhernandez@dioceseoffresno.org to submit a short article on your parish Synod experience in future Diocese of Fresno newsletters! 

Article by: Rose M. Hernandez, Director of Formation and Evangelization

Parish/School Focus 

St. Rose-McCarthy School in Hanford Opens Preschool Enrollment 

Enroll for the 2022-2023 School Year

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Catechetical Ministries

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The Catechetical Corner

May is the Month of Mary

In the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, we learned that the angel Gabriel came to Mary and announced that she was to be the mother of Jesus.

Greeting her, he said, “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.” Troubled by this greeting, Mary did not know what to make of it. Gabriel assured her of God’s love for her and told her, “…you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus.”

The angel informed her how the Holy Spirit would come to her and, to help her to understand the power of God. Mary’s response to Gabriel’s words were, “…I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”

Among many women why was Mary chosen to be the mother of Jesus? This is because Mary was humble and compliant to the will of God. Mary did not say I will not submit to the will of God because I have my own will for myself, Mary humbly said yes.

By: Roman Flores, Catechetical Ministries Coordinator

Read more (ENG/ESP)


Event Name



More Info

Come Away Retreat 

St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers

May 17-19, 2022

Times on Flyer 

View the Flyer 

St. La Salle School's Founder Dinner

St. La Salle School, Reedley

May 21, 2022

Times on Flyer

View the Flyer

An Invitation to Pray

The Holy Rosary & Chaplet of Divine Mercy


May 13, 2022

6:00 PM

View the Flyer 

St. La Salle School Carnival

St. La Salle School, Reedley

May 13, 2022

3:00 PM - 7:00 PM

View the Flyer

Fundraiser for Charities

St. Jude Catholic Church, Easton

June 5, 2022

View the Flyer

Led by the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit Church, Fresno

May 20-21, 2022

View the Flyer

Medicine, Bioethics & Spirituality Conference


May 13-15 2022

Session Times on Flyer

View the Flyer

Prayer of the Week


Have Something Special to Share?

We want to know! Share what's happening around our Diocese.

Contact Samantha Mejia, Marketing & Public Relations Specialist at smejia@dioceseoffresno.org


"As God's beloved people we are called in and through the Spirit to live in unity and love and to proclaim the

Good News of Jesus, especially amongst the poor and marginal of our society."

“Como pueblo amado de Dios estamos llamados en y a través del Espíritu Santo a vivir en unidad y amor, y para anunciar la Buena Nueva de Jesús, especialmente entre los pobres y los marginados de nuestra sociedad.”

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Fresno, CA 93703-3788

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