Proclaim the Good News
The Diocese of Fresno's Weekly Newsletter, published every Monday morning.
Bishop Brennan Honored Our Religious and Clergy Jubilarians | |
Bishop Brennan Wishes His Diocesan Staff A Happy Birthday | |
All Souls' Day Mass
In Honor Of All Those Who Have Passed Away
Bishop Brennan was the celebrant of the annual All Souls' Mass at St. Peter's Catholic Cemetery in Fresno.
It was a beautiful Mass in remembrance of all those who have passed away.
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Office of Catholic Education | |
All Saints' Day Mass
Celebrating All Saints Day!
Bishop Brennan celebrated All Saints' Day at St. Anthony's Church in Reedley. He was also joined by the students of St. La Salle School who dressed up as their favorite Saints!
After Mass, Bishop joined in on their basketball game!
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National Vocation Awareness Week
November 6 - 12, 2022
It's officially National Vocation Awareness Week! If you are considering a vocation, please visit dioceseoffresno.org/vocations or contact the Diocese of Fresno's main line at (559) 488-7400.
You can find multiple prayers for vocations by visiting the USCCB.
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Norbertine Canonesses of Tehachapi 2022 Christmas Gift Box Fundraiser
Speciality Gift Boxes For Sale!
The Norbertine Canonesses of Tehachapi are selling speciality gift boxes for their annual Christmas fundraiser!
For the first time, Mountain Priory Cheese gift boxes will be available - along with the popular Christmas treat and apothecary gift boxes! Please consider these special gift boxes this holiday season. To place an order, please visit here.
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Three New Eagle Scouts!
The Boy Scouts of America & DOF Catholic Committee On Scouting
Congratulations to Dillon, Kyle and Aleksandr for reaching Eagle Scout! This exceptional achievement is reached by only 4% of scouts. At the ceremony, each scout had their own table with information about their personal scouting journey.
Courtesy of Victor Carrillo, Scoutmaster Troop 321 2018-2021
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Saints' Wax Museum Display
Our Lady Of Mercy School In Merced
Our Lady of Mercy School in Merced held their annual Saints' Wax Museum Display on All Saints Day in their multi-purpose room. This has been a project that the 8th grade class has participated in for many years as a tradition of their faith formation.
Each of the students researched an assigned Saint, then dressed as their Saints and stood in front of their display for younger students to walk through and view. The students presented their work after the school All Saints' Day Mass celebrated by our Pastor, Fr. Robert Borges. The Mass was attended by members of the St. Patrick's Parish community, OLM staff and students.
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Courtesy of Rosemarie Pierce, Administrative Assistant at St. Patrick's Church | | |
All Souls Festival
St. Joseph Church In Los Banos
St. Joseph Church in Los Banos held their All Souls Festival! A big THANK YOU to all who participated and made the festival a success!
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Organ Dedication Concert And Blessing At OLPH, Bakersfield
The Feast Of St. Cecilia
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Knights of Columbus John Cardinal Newman Council 9445
Over $500 Raised For Youth Group To Attend World Youth Day!
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The Knights of Columbus John Cardinal Newman Council 9445 presented a $544.00 check to Fr. Byron and a few of his Claretian youth group from St. Paul Catholic Newman Center!
The John Cardinal Newman Council 9445 helped a burrito breakfast in September with a portion of the process benefiting the youth group - to raise money to attend World Youth Day. We were able to sell 150 burritos!
The check was presented on Tuesday, November 1st at the intergenerational Mass for All Saints Day and Faith, Family, Friends.
Courtesy of Joseph Hill, John Cardinal Newman Council 9445
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Office of Formation and Evangelization | |
Join Our Advent Book Club!
Reflecting On The Book "Behold" By Sr. Miriam James Heidland SOLT
The Office of Formation and Evangelization is sponsoring an Advent Book Club. We will meet via Zoom every Monday of Advent, at 6:30 pm., reflecting on the book, "Behold" by Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, published by Ave Maria Press.
You can order through our office by November 7th at the price of $9.00 (shipping included), or order it online here, for $11.25 plus shipping, for a total of $15.44.
It is also available on Amazon Kindle and NOOK for $10.49.
To join, fill out this form by clicking here.
Courtesy of Rose M. Hernandez, Director of Office of Formation and Evangelization
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Crime Survivors Ministry
2022 Healing Retreat
Here's a small glimpse into the Crime Survivors Ministry's 2022 Healing Retreat!
It was a day of reflection and healing for all victims of crime.
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Courtesy of Cielito 'Maciel' Godburn, Crime Survivors Ministry | |
The Catechetical Corner
Fifth Task Of Catechesis, Education For Community Living
Faith must be internalized and lived as a community. That is why we must get involved in our parish for devotions and Mass, but also to help others in need. We must know our neighbors.
We must often think about spiritual and corporal works of mercy and make an examination of conscience about how well we are living and teaching others to observe them. We know that our Lord will judge us for them (cf. Mt 25:31-40), which makes it all the more important.
Our Lord became man and lived among us in a family life for 30 years. We too must live as good sons, daughters, parents, teachers, employees, employers, and citizens in harmony. Teaching this through catechesis is vital to help us restore Christianity in our parish life.
Article by: Roman Flores, Catechetical Ministries Coordinator
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Festival of Trees And Family Fun Night
St. Anthony Retreat Centers in Three Rivers invite you to their annual Festvival of Trees! Join us for TWO fun filled evenings of festivities on November 16 & 17, 2022!
Wednesday, November 16 (4pm-6pm) will bring Santa's elves and the big man himself for some crafts for kids of all ages, pictures with Santa, and, of course, our famous cookies and hot cocoa. This Family Fun Night is FREE for all!
Thursday, November 17 is the main event! We will have beautifully decorated Christmas Trees, silent auction items, and delicious food from local restaurants, breweries, coffee shops, and more. The cost is $50 per person or $75 per couple.
Click HERE to purchase tickets today!
Ask about our special "Come and Stay" package!
Courtesy of Julia Fracker, Development and Marketing Manager
News Outside Of Our Diocese | | |
The Chosen: Season 3 Begins
In Theaters November 18th!
Season 3 of The Chosen will show in theaters starting from Nov. 18th to Nov. 22nd!
Watch episodes 1 & 2 of Season 3 in this unique theatrical experience.
It will be the most emotional and consequential season of The Chosen to date - you don't want to miss this!
Tickets are available to buy now!
(click here to purchase)
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Have Something Special to Share?
We want to know! Share what's happening around our Diocese.
Contact Samantha Mejia, Marketing & Public Relations Specialist at smejia@dioceseoffresno.org
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"As God's beloved people we are called in and through the Spirit to live in unity and love and to proclaim the
Good News of Jesus, especially amongst the poor and marginal of our society."
“Como pueblo amado de Dios estamos llamados en y a través del Espíritu Santo a vivir en unidad y amor, y para anunciar la Buena Nueva de Jesús, especialmente entre los pobres y los marginados de nuestra sociedad.”
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