Proclaim the Good News
The Diocese of Fresno's Weekly Newsletter, published every Monday morning.
Happy Retirement to our 3 Wonderful Diocesan Priests
Bishop Brennan announces the retirement of Rev. Msgr. John Griesbach, Rev. Msgr. Ray Dreiling and Rev. Msgr. Stephen Frost.
We wish our clergy a happy retirement and we graciously thank them for their ministry and service to the Lord.
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Rev. Msgr. John Griesbach | |
Fr. Paul Keller, C.M.F. elected as Provincial Superior of the Claretian Province of USA-Canada
The Diocese of Fresno wishes Fr. Paul Keller, C.M.F. Godspeed on his new assignment. Fr. Paul has been elected as the new Provincial Superior of the Claretian Province of USA-Canada.
Stay tuned on our social media pages next week to hear his story and plans for this role directly from him!
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Bishop Brennan Congratulates All Clergy Who Celebrate Anniversaries
in the Month of June
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Send in your articles for the
Diocesan Magazine!
Central California Catholic Life
The CCCL magazine is open to submissions for the Fall edition! If you would like to submit articles, flyers, etc. please send it over to Sr. Rosalie Rohrer, IHM, the magazine editor, at srrosalie@dioceseoffresno.org!
The deadline for submissions is August 18, 2023 - don't wait until the last minute!
We thank you for your interest in our Diocesan magazine. Read the latest edition at dioceseoffresno.org/magazine
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Celebrating the Feast of St. Anthony
St. Anthony of Padua, Fresno
St. Anthony of Padua Church in Fresno celebrated their patron saint with Mass, procession and a reception on the Feast of St. Anthony, June 13th. Approximately 300+ parishioners gathered for the bilingual Mass at 6:00 p.m. which included the Prayers of the Faithful in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Tagalog representing the rich, diverse flavor of our parish community.
The procession concluded in the parish Pavilion where the clergy led the faithful in the Litany of St. Anthony.
With generous contributions from local restaurants (Yosemite Falls and Pardini’s) and parish parishioners, those in attendance enjoyed a wonderful reception with chicken alfredo, Italian meatballs, burritos, quesadillas, salad, watermelon, a large selection of store-bought desserts and more watermelon.
From the words of Msgr. Rob, “It is good to see the family come together.”
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Courtesy of Ray Young, Director of Ministries at
St. Anthony of Padua, Fresno
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Feast Day Celebration of
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
OLPH, Bakersfield
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Bakersfield invites you to the Feast Day Celebration of Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Tuesday, June 27th!
Join them for Mass at 7:00pm, followed with cookies in the Hall!
Catholic Daughters of America Mini Retreat
CDA #2553
On June 11th, Corpus Christi Sunday, the Catholic Daughters of America #2553, Madera, CA, had a mini-retreat at St. Anne's Chapel of St. Joachim Parish in Raymond.
The theme was the National Eucharistic Revival with a brief presentation on the U.S. Bishops' document, "The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church." The talk was followed by a time of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions.
Courtesy of Ana Cruz, Rectory Secretary at
St. Joachim Church, Madera
Summer Fiesta Night
Council Bishop John T. Steinbock Knights of Columbus #9525 and
Court St. John Catholic Daughters #2526
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Office of Formation and Evangelization | | |
Healing Retreat for Victims of Crime
Crime Survivors Ministry
The Crime Survivors Ministry is holding a Healing Retreat for victims of crime. Join them for a day of reflection and healing on Saturday, July 8, 2023 at St. Anthony Retreat Center in Three Rivers.
Bishop Brennan will be the celebrant of the Healing Mass.
To register, please contact Maciel Godburn at (559) 325-6888 or email rjmaciel2019@gmail.com.
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The Catechetical Corner
Resting the Spirit during the Holidays
In the Gospel of St. Mark there is a passage in which it is narrated that, after a few days of fatigue, the Lord said to the disciples: "Come with me to a lonely place and rest a little." Since the word of Christ is never linked only to the moment in which he pronounces it, I believe that it is also an invitation to live the holidays in a Christian way. Of course, for those who can enjoy them, which is not a possibility for everyone, especially in these times of economic hardship.
The holidays, along with even Summer vacation, sometimes serve as a time of relaxation. They can also serve as a time for the spirit, a time for reading, a time to regain strength not only physical, but also spiritual. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” says the Lord.
Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, has spoken to us about the meaning of the holidays, let us remember his words: "I wish everyone, especially those who feel the greatest need for it, that they may take vacations to replenish their physical and spiritual energies, and to renew a healthy contact with nature. The mountain, in particular, evokes the elevation of the spirit towards the heights, towards the 'high degree' of our humanity which, unfortunately, daily life tends to lower".
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Health & Nursing Ministry | | |
Foundations Course for Faith Nursing
Sign up today with the Early Bird Special!
The Diocese of Fresno is once again offering the Foundations Course for Registered Nurses wishing to become certified as a Faith Community Nurse (FCN). This course is being offered from September 28 to October 1, 2023 at the Shrine of St. Therese in Fresno. Spread the word and register with the Early Bird Special (ending on July 26, 2023)!
Completing the FCN Foundations course will enable an RN to begin & manage a Health Ministry program within their respective parish as well as provide 34 CEU’s.
If interested and would like additional information, please contact: Roxanna Stevens, RN at roxanna@dioceseoffresno.org; or 559-488-7474 ext. 108.
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Have Something Special to Share?
We want to know! Share what's happening around our Diocese.
Contact Samantha Mejia, Marketing & Public Relations Specialist at smejia@dioceseoffresno.org
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"As God's beloved people we are called in and through the Spirit to live in unity and love and to proclaim the
Good News of Jesus, especially amongst the poor and marginal of our society."
“Como pueblo amado de Dios estamos llamados en y a través del Espíritu Santo a vivir en unidad y amor, y para anunciar la Buena Nueva de Jesús, especialmente entre los pobres y los marginados de nuestra sociedad.”
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