The Catechetical Corner
First Task of Catechesis, Promoting the Faith
When a relationship between two people deepens, they want to get to know each other. They spend hours talking, meeting friends and family. This getting to know each other lasts a lifetime. Our faith life is no different.
Such an encounter engenders in the hearers a desire to know about Christ, his life, and the content of his message. Catechesis responds to this desire by giving the believers a knowledge of the content of God’s self-revelation, which is found in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, and by introducing them to the meaning of the Creed (NDC 20).
Isn’t this what happens to us when we fall in love? As we come to know the other person’s life story we discover the mystery of that person. This is the task of passing on the knowledge of faith. We come to hold Scripture and Tradition close to our hearts because “each of them makes present and fruitful in the Church the mystery of Christ” (CCC 80).
Articles by: Roman Flores, Catechetical Ministries Coordinator