
Proclaim the Good News

The Diocese of Fresno's Weekly Newsletter, published every Monday morning.

December 19, 2022


Office of the Bishop

Merry Christmas from Bishop Brennan!

Bishop Brennan wishes the Faithful a very joyful Advent and Merry Christmas!

Watch his special Christmas message to all on our YouTube channel.

Bishop Brennan Congratulates All Clergy Who Celebrate Anniversaries in the Month of December

Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebrations

Joint Feast Celebration at St. Lucy's Church in Fowler

Honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Lucy

St. Lucy’s Church, Fowler was honored and blessed to have Bishop Joseph Brennan visit on December 11th, 2022 during the Joint Feast celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Lucy. 

Every year the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe falls on December 12th, and the feast of St. Lucy on December 13th. With the Bishop’s approval, we celebrated the joint feast honoring the two saints on the third Sunday of Advent. 

Our community came together to have a memorable celebration. Our parish offered a delicious meal to all the attendees of the four masses. Parishioners had the opportunity to take a picture with our Bishop. 

Our deepest appreciation to Bishop Brennan for his pastoral care and attention to our community and to our Pastor, Father Kim for the wonderful idea of celebrating both feasts on this day. Thank you also to Deacon David Alanis and Deacon Mark Schultz for their visit as well. 

From the bottom of our hearts thank you to all church ministers, volunteers, families, benefactors and confirmation students, for contributing to such a beautiful parish event. 


May God Bless you all! 

Courtesy of Irma Trujillo, Office Manager at St. Lucy's Church in Fowler

Pilgrim Procession at St. Joseph, Firebaugh

Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe

St. Joseph Church in Firebaugh held a Pilgrim Procession for Our Lady of Guadalupe!

Happy Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Celebrations at St. Anthony of Padua in Fresno

Hundreds of parishioners attended the Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrations at St. Anthony of Padua parish in Fresno. Through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, may we come to experience the peace of her Son throughout our land and learn to live together in harmony, with mutual respect and love for one another and - let’s begin in our own homes!

Que por intercesión de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Patrona de las Américas, lleguemos a experimentar la paz de su Hijo en toda nuestra tierra y aprendamos a vivir juntos en armonía, con respeto mutuo y amor mutuo y, ¡comencemos en nuestros propios hogares!

Courtesy of Ray Young, Director of Ministries at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

Bishop Brennan Celebrated Mass Dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe

at St. John's Cathedral in Fresno!

Office of Catholic Education

San Joaquin Memorial Students Bring the Joy of Christmas to the

Boys and Girls Zimmerman Club!

On December 6, 2022, twenty SJM students participated in spreading Christmas cheer to the children at the Boys and Girls Zimmerman Club. The SJM students helped the kids make cute Gingerbread houses out of graham crackers and lots of goodies. They also played games and ran craft booths for the kids. They played bingo and made Christmas ornaments. It was great to see all the smiles on the kids' faces.

"I think I made a direct impact by playing with the children for a couple of hours, and allowing them to have a good time by making gingerbread houses and other Christmas activities. " -Dominic Rodriguez '25

"It was fun to meet all the kids and help them build their gingerbread houses." -Alena Devita '25

Courtesy of Joan E. Bouchard, Superintendent of Catholic Schools and SJM Communications Office

Parish Focus

A Night Under the Stars

Young Adult Winter Gala at Holy Spirit Church

The Frassati Fellowship Young Adults of Holy Spirit Fresno held their first Winter Gala - A Night Under the Stars! Here's a small glimpse into their fun night!

Pictured Above: Young Adult Winter Gala

Planning Team

Get Ready to Walk for Life with Holy Spirit Church!

Take A Bus With KOFC Holy Spirit Church to San Francisco

Stand together in San Francisco to Walk for Life on January 21, 2023! Need a ride to get there? No worries, Holy Spirit Church in Fresno will be providing a bus! Enjoy great company on your trip to Walk for Life for $40 per person.

Please RSVP by Tuesday, December 20th to Ben Romero at bromero98@comcast.net or (559) 301-1545 (please leave a message)!

News Outside the Diocese

Christmas Coverage from Rome

Celebrating the Birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Christmas is a special and holy time of the year – we are after all, celebrating the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

EWTN has a great line-up of Christmas Concerts and Christmas Specials from all over the world, to bring comfort and joy to all. Viewers can also spiritually join in Solemn Christmas Mass taking place at various places: be it at the Vatican, Holy Land, Washington, DC or at the EWTN chapel.

Learn more

Office of Formation and Evangelization

World Marriage Day 2023

Celebrating Anniversaries!

Bishop Brennan will again celebrate Mass for couples celebrating landmark years of marriage in 2023.

The Mass will be on February 12th

at 3 pm at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Fresno.

Landmark anniversaries that will be honored are: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, and 60+.

Couples are invited to register online at form.jotform.com/RoseHernandez/2022-wmd or by telephone at (559) 488-7474.

A flyer for this event will be available soon and bulletin announcements will be sent to you as well. We hope to have many couples come to celebrate their anniversaries!

Register Here!

Catechetical Ministries

The Catechetical Corner

Final Week of Advent and a Journey

of Love and Devotion

As we continue to celebrate the Advent season in preparation for the coming celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the fourth week, of which the theme is love, speaks to us of the Advent of the Son of God to the world and Mary as a central figure, of which her waiting is a stimulus model for our waiting.

Just as Mary and Joseph approached Bethlehem after having traveled a long way, we too can hopefully appreciate the coming celebration on Christmas with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude, as we have hopefully come a long way ourselves through personal and faithful works of love and sacrifice. In this way, our Bethlehem becomes a living element of Christmas that tells a story that we can share with others of our journey and the things we have overcome and thus the celebration of the birth of Jesus is

not simply a decorative element of which we use around the house or in our front yards but a representation of what we ourselves have accomplished. The celebration of the birth of Jesus is not only a symbol of our faith and beliefs but also a symbol of our commitment and unwavering devotion.

Article by: Roman Flores, Catechetical Ministries Coordinator

Read more (ENG/ESP)

Health and Nursing Ministry

Model for Healthy Living

From the Faith Community Nursing Office

View flyer


Event Name



More Info

Simbang Gabi


See Flyer for Locations

See Flyer for Dates

View the Flyer

Christmas Vigil Mass

St. Anthony of Padua, Fresno

December 24, 2022 4:00PM, 6:30 PM, 9:00 PM, Midnight

View the Flyer

Christmas Mass

St. Anthony of Padua, Fresno

December 25, 2022 8:00AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM,

1:00PM (ESP)

View the Flyer

Baker's Dozen Holiday Opportunity Drawing

St. John's Cathedral, Fresno

January 8, 2023

2:30 PM

View the Flyer

6-Day Silent Directed Retreat 

St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers 

January 8-14, 2023

View the Flyer 

One Life LA

See Flyer for Details

January 21, 2023

View the Flyer

Walk for Life

Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco

January 21, 2023

View the Flyer

Consecration of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Visalia 

February 2, 2023

Time: TBD

Watch Video

World Marriage Day

St. Anthony of Padua Church, Fresno

February 12, 2023

Register Here

Prayer of the Week

Have Something Special to Share?

We want to know! Share what's happening around our Diocese.

Contact Samantha Mejia, Marketing & Public Relations Specialist at smejia@dioceseoffresno.org


"As God's beloved people we are called in and through the Spirit to live in unity and love and to proclaim the

Good News of Jesus, especially amongst the poor and marginal of our society."

“Como pueblo amado de Dios estamos llamados en y a través del Espíritu Santo a vivir en unidad y amor, y para anunciar la Buena Nueva de Jesús, especialmente entre los pobres y los marginados de nuestra sociedad.”

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1550 North Fresno Street

Fresno, CA 93703-3788

Phone: (559) 488-7400

Fax: (559) 488-7464

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