Procurement Services March Newsletter
Upcoming Training
Procurement Services offers several online training opportunities. Please visit the Procurement Training page here. Upcoming real time online training opportunities:
PCard Monthly Training: Apr 21 at 2p
Procurement Overview, eVA and eReceiving Training: Apr 22 at 9a

For more training information: Please contact Procurement Services at
Coming Soon

New eVA
The University utilizes the Commonwealth's electronic procurement site, eVA. The Commonwealth awarded a new contract for this platform so eVA will look and function differently in December 2021.
As more information is received from the Commonwealth, Procurement Services will offer additional training sessions.
Year End Close Dates Reminders

Fiscal year end is approaching. Departments are reminded to review open purchase orders and take appropriate action. As a reminder of upcoming due dates, the FY2021 Year-End Closing Calendar is available here.
The Governor has officially recognized March 2021 as Governmental Purchasing Month in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
In honor of purchasing month, Procurement Services is collecting non perishable food to be donated to the Monarch Food Pantry.
Online Surplus Computer Sales
Online Surplus Computer Sales through  These auctions are open to ODU students, faculty, staff, and the general public. Please check out the Property Control / GovDeal Auction website for purchases of Desktop Computers, Laptop Computers, Apple products, Monitors, etc. Please check the website often for current auction postings.
Personal Protective Equipment "PPE" Reorders
As additional supplies are needed, please complete the PPE Request form and submit to
Please be reminded Procurement Services is happy to assist with any procurement related needs and/or questions.
Please feel free to contact for assistance.