The Cold Storage industry recognizes Vapor Armour as the leader in eliminating vapor drive. They have lead continuing education classes for RETA, CEBA and the GCCA nationwide addressing vapor barrier discontinuity. The U.S. Federal Government acknowledges Vapor Armour as experts and has granted them the only application patent for applying a vapor barrier. They have published white papers on the elimination of vapor drive in thermal-controlled environments and on FSMA compliances.

Today's product highlights will focus on Vapor Armour's solutions to common issues!
Before Vapor Armour, the tie between wall and roof, concrete or wood has been proven ineffective. Along with their product load, Vapor Armour has incorporated air loss into the energy calculation when setting up a thermal controlled environment which gives Vapor Armour the perfect seal for the building envelope. With their calculations, Vapor Armour has created a seal that saves a tremendous amount of energy the moment the Vapor Armour seals into buildings, facilities, and coolers. This is demonstrated in the video above.
R.J.D. Associates, Inc. | | 845-357-3212