Enhancement Notice to PayGuardian iOS Integrators
Dear iOS Integration Partner,
Apple recently made changes to iOS11 affecting PayGuardian iOS. In order for iOS11 to work with PayGuardian iOS, updates will be required using the latest PayGuardian iOS SDK (version 2.4.1).
If you are experiencing any issues with device enablement after upgrading to iOS 11.0.3 please download the latest SDK.

Documentation of the  PayGuardian iOS Developer Guide is also available.

Please note: The zip file should be unzipped on a Mac OS to maintain SDK file integrity. This file includes both the PayGuardian framework and related RBA SDK framework.
The current standard in regards to the Device Firmware is RBA version 15.0.4.
If you have questions regarding these updates, please reach out to our Integration Support team for further assistance.

Thank you,
Integration Support team