Enhancement Notice to all WebLINK Users

BridgePay is committed to providing the latest enhancements and security protections to its products.  In alignment with this commitment, we are providing this notification regarding updates to the WebLINK product line.
In order to enhance security and to help prevent automated scripted attacks against WebLINK hosted payment pages, a reCompletely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart (reCAPTCHA) feature will be added to all WebLINK payment pages and templates.
On Oct 24, all BridgePay test systems will be updated with the new CAPTHCA feature. This will affect both the WebLINK 2.0 and WbebLINK 3.0 product lines. This includes all default and custom templates. That means when a new payment form is created from the default template, reCAPTCHA will automatically be included.
On Nov 6, all BridgePay production systems will be updated with the new CAPTHCA feature. This will affect both the WebLINK 2.0 and WbebLINK 3.0 product lines. This includes all default and custom templates. That means when a new payment form is created from the default template, reCAPTCHA will automatically be included.
What is reCAPTCHA?
reCAPTCHA is a program that protects websites against bots by requiring the user to click a checkbox indicating the user is not a robot.
How does reCAPTCHA appear on the WebLINK payment form?
reCAPTCHA displays as shown below:
How will this affect my customers?
Customers utilizing the WebLINK products will need to complete the reCAPTCHA section of the payment form before the payment can be submitted.
What happens if someone submits a form and there is a reCAPTCHA error?
On reCAPTCHA failure, the WebLINK payment form will display an error and the transaction will not be processed.
I'm an integrator, can I add a custom reCAPTCHA to my templates?
Not at this time. This may be a feature we'll add at a later date.
Thank you,
Gateway Support