Professional Development News
Health Benefits & Resources
During times like these, you may need a little extra help…and that’s okay! This Health Benefits & Resources for Early Educators session will address accessing affordable health insurance, Medicaid, and CHP+. In addition, it will provide information on counseling, rent/utility assistance, food banks, clothing, bus passes, and more. Guest panelists will be from Pikes Peak United Way, Benefits in Action, Colorado Community Health Alliance, and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). There will be plenty of time for Q&A.
If you would like to submit a question for our panel prior to the event, please use the Contact Us form on the Alliance for Kids website. No personal information will be collected. To register for this session on February 11th, click HERE.
Alliance for Kids, in partnership with The Resource Exchange, is offering a new Free Learning Series designed to support you in meeting the social-emotional and behavioral needs of children in your care. The series is open to all early childhood programs and families, and seeks to strengthen resiliency in children, parents, and care providers in times of stress. Upcoming series topics will include:
- Understand how stress impacts children and their behaviors
- Understand how to support developmentally appropriate child behavior.
- Gain tools for supporting resiliency in adults and children that combat the effects of stress
- Creating effective child/parent/teacher relationships
If you missed Session 1 or 2, click HERE for details on watching a recorded session and taking a short survey to receive a certificate for one hour of social-emotional training.
If you would like immediate assistance in supporting a child in your care with their social-emotional or behavioral needs, please contact Bernadine McCarron, AFK's Health & Behavior Supports Supervisor, at 719.205.2691. This is a FREE support facilitated by Alliance for Kids with programming provided in partnership with The Resource Exchange. View ECMH Flyer
Professional Development Opportunities
Click the boxes or links below for more information.
Click Here for Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Information
Exciting Pathway to ECT Qualification!
The Child Care Development Specialist Apprenticeship allows job seekers and early learning professionals to choose their own path to become Early Childhood Teacher/Director qualified while learning on-the job skills with on-site support. To find out if this unique program is the pathway for you, register to participate in an information session. You'll hear how the program works, how you'll be supported throughout the process, and more about the benefits of Apprenticeship.
CDA Waiver & Amnesty Extension
The Division of Early Care and Learning is offering a solution for early childhood professionals who cannot complete the final observation for the Child Development Associate credential (CDA) due to the Council for Professional Recognition not currently allowing virtual observations and Colorado Public Health Guidance not permitting in-person observations.
To accommodate early childhood professionals who seek to use the CDA certification to become Early Childhood Teacher qualified, Colorado Child Care Licensing will be providing a Provisional-Early Childhood Teacher (ECT) letter directly to early childhood professionals who have completed the following:
- 120 hours of CDA training
- 480 hours of verified experience working directly with children in a child development program
- the CDA exam (proof of completion is required)
For more information on the CDA Observation Waiver, including background, process, and eligibility, click here.
CDA Amnesty Program Extension
Due to recent events, the Council for Professional Recognition is extending the deadline for the CDA Renewal Amnesty Program to June 1, 2021. The CDA Amnesty Program will allow anyone with a lapsed CDA certification to renew their CDA without starting the entire process over again. For more information on the Program in both English and Spanish, click HERE.
Pre-Licensing Classes & FREE Supports
Are you thinking of becoming a licensed child care provider? AFK is here to support you every step along the way.
Quarterly Pre-Licensing Classes
Each quarter, AFK offers a course for becoming a licensed provider.
Next Five-Day Virtual Session
Register HERE for the January 25 - 29 session ($150).
Rules, Regulations & Business Rules for Family Child Care Homes
This course for exempt providers is offered on the first three days of each quarterly Pre-Licensing session. Register HERE for the January 25-27th session ($90).
Additional Pre-Licensing dates for 2021 are April 26-30, July 26 - 30, and October 25 - 29.
To help you along your business journey, AFK offers FREE services!
- Where to start and what is important to consider when exploring the possibility of opening a family child care home - call us first if your considering enrolling in the Pre-Licensing classes!
- Assistance with zoning and HOA needs
- Support with completing the licensing application
- Technical assistance and on-site support for setting up your learning environment
Reach for a Rating
January 26, 2021
Hear from an expert panel of early childhood directors, family child care owners, teachers, and more about their unique experience with a virtual Colorado Shines rating. We will cover the new virtual rating option, challenges and successes of rating during COVID-19, and key milestones of the standard, in-person rating. If you are considering going through a rating, would like your staff to better understand the process, or want to learn more about what a virtual rating looks like, this is the perfect event for you!
To help the Office of Early Childhood begin planning courses for the upcoming year, they want to hear from YOU! Use their quick survey to share what you see as needs for online coursework offered through the Colorado Shines PDIS.
Quick Links for PDIS
Email Erica Evans or call 719.233.0770 for more details.
ITERS/ECERS-3 Versions
These versions are put on hold for Colorado Shines ratings due to COVID-19. Programs that would be going through a rating should continue using the ERS-R version of the scale. Please note that this information is subject to change until CDC guidelines change. If you need support with this new tool, contact Geanina Brown (719.651.3484) to set up coaching or to answer questions.
New Ongoing Professional Development (OPD)
Documentation Requirements
For more information, an optional training certificate template, a requirements checklist, informational flyer with FAQs and a multi-use article, click HERE.
Click the boxes below for more information.
Dynamic Coaching Systems in collaboration with the University of Colorado at Denver has announced the next opportunity to earn 9 credits AND get your Early Childhood Coaching Certificate! Join the NEW Fully Online Cohort beginning January 19, 2021!
Transitioning to Virtual Coaching
As we adapt to these unexpected and challenging times, coaches around the world are making the transition to technology as a medium to support our work with educators. Connecting with coachees through video platforms may look different, but is still relevant and critical to support educator resilience and increase educator confidence as they support children and families.
The Office of Early Childhood's coaching team knows this leap into virtual coaching can present its own challenges and has pulled together a toolkit to support coaches during this time.
Please Note: Webinars, workshops, and training opportunities listed here are NOT facilitated by Alliance for Kids. For questions or to register, you must contact the person or organization running the program directly.
Supporting Young Children & Families During a Pandemic is a FREE early learning training series for today's challenges brought to you by ABCD. Let's shine a light on the important work of early learning providers during an extraordinary time in our world. We will discuss how to identify red flags,build resilience, and seek support despite the limitations this pandemic has created. Concrete resources and activities will be provided during these interactive virtual trainings. Register HERE. View flyer HERE.
Right Start for Colorado is excited to announce two Infant and Early Childhood Relationship-Based Assessment Trainings focused on assessing the relational context of infants and young children in March and April 2021. The Working Model of the Child Interview and the Crowell Parent-Child Interaction Procedure, will be presented by expert faculty from Tulane University's School of Medicine.
These courses are intended for clinical mental health providers who treat the 0-5 population. A comprehensive relationship assessment that assesses both the internal and external components of caregiver-child relationships is best practice in infant/early childhood mental health. Click here for more information and to apply for a seat at one or both of these trainings, at no cost to you. Spaces are limited! Applications are due no later than February 1, 2021.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
If you could prevent a child from becoming a statistic would you?
What are some risk factors for children to have poor health or turn to drugs and alcohol?
What can you do to help kids in your community reach their full potential?
Register HERE for the upcoming training in January (no cost), view the flyer HERE, or contact Heidi Lynch, Program Manager for MTR Program, at 719-651-3772.
ACEs training is also offered by Alliance for Kids in a four-part evening series. For details, this training is listed in our PD section below. In addition, Peaceful Households offers several a free training sessions (see below).
This 90-minute introduction to Childhood Trauma and (ACEs) is for all audiences, and is ideal for onboarding staff, volunteers and parents. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACEs) as the foundation for the presentation. It incorporates many of the works and ideas of Rob Anda, co-founder of the ACE study, and various trauma experts and research organizations. Additionally, the presentation includes a number of examples that help people relate research to real life scenarios. For details and registration, click HERE.
A workforce transformation is happening due to the current health crisis. Thousands of people are unemployed. Business is being disrupted and workforce demands are shifting. The Pikes Peak Workforce Center is proud to announce the ROAD TO RECOVERY campaign that offers resources funded through the CARES Act to support both workers and employers in our community. The EMPLOYER TOOLKIT is a specialized toolbox full of strategies for EMPLOYERS to hire, recruit, upskill and/or retrain their workers or locate services through the Pikes Peak Workforce Center. The PPWFC also offers VIRTUAL JOB FAIRS, hiring resources and can even host private classrooms to train a group of co-workers within an organization. The Pikes Peak Workforce Center’s ROAD TO RECOVERY campaign, funded through the CARES Act, is for the whole community! Please visit our website at or call 719-667-3814 to talk with our Business Resources Group about how the PPWFC can support your organization.
Mark your calendars for the Virtual 2021 Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference (RMECC) March 25-27th! The cost-free event will feature four fun and engaging general sessions, 100+ breakout sessions, a virtual exhibitor playground, a game with great prizes, and opportunities for attendees to interact with each other through the message board and on social media. Those interested in attending should register for sessions early to reserve their spot. General registration now open.
Strategies for Making Distance Learning Work: Over the course of the next few months, you’ll learn from Teaching Strategies and their partners in the field about how to get started, effective strategies, and the latest research on distance learning. Learn more about this series HERE.
Self-Care for Educators: Educators always have a full plate of responsibilities. But now, many educators feel overwhelmed with the added weight of teaching during a pandemic. It is imperative that you have strategies in place to help prioritize your typical responsibilities and new distance learning tasks, while still taking the time for self-care and reflection. Register HERE to access the recording.
Colorado CPR & Safety Professionals will be offering Medication Administration (Part 2) virtually on every other Tuesday evening. For more information, view their Calendar.Complete Part 1 online as usual at Colorado Shines PDIS.
Sign up for their newsletter HERE.
Healthy Child Care Colorado promotes and support best practices by providing grants, professional development, technical assistance, and advocacy. Visit their Jobs Board or visit their website.
Early Childhood Investigations offers free webinars to early childhood educators. The series is produced by Engagement Strategies, LLC., and presented by leading authors, experts, and leaders. Now, you can participate in conference-quality training without leaving your home. Subscribe to Blog for updates HERE. To view ALL Early Childhood Investigations recordings, click HERE.
Tools for strengthening responsive caregiving in ECE, supporting positive behaviors, and nurturing children’s learning and development. Course Details & Registration
ECE Formula is an online platform for learning, training meets PDIS requirements for ongoing professional development.
The Pikes Peak Small Business Development Center offers training and consulting and is a great resource for early childhood education program owners and directors to connect with consultants, workshops, and resources related to running a successful small business.
Nature Explore has New Online Sessions for Educators! This opportunity offers engaging, inspiring and research-based sessions to support you and your team during this trying time. Nature soothes the soul and finding hope in your daily life can too. Join us as we continue to explore concepts and plan for nature-rich experiences for children and the adults who support them. Learn more about upcoming sessions HERE.
Supporting Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Environments - A FREE Virtual Professional Development Community. For full details on joining this Professional Development Community, click HERE. Learn more about University of Denver’s Project ECHO.
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® COLORADO Scholarship Program is administered by the Early Childhood Council Leadership Alliance. Contact Shannon or call (720) 899-3047 or visit ECCLA’s website for program eligibility and application opportunities.