Professional Growth
and Evaluation Newsletter
This is the final issue of the Professional Growth and Evaluation Newsletter for the 2017-18 school year!
The Professional Growth & Evaluation Newsletter will return in September 2018 with just in time information about the evaluation process, as well as links to documents, websites, and/or videos that contain important information for you. The TPEP training schedule for 2018-19 will also be available to you at that time.
Summative Evaluation Timelines
Summative evaluation
Summative evaluation
  • No later than June 5th, the evaluator and certificated employee shall meet to discuss the certificated employee’s final summative evaluation performance rating.

  • In order to determine the final summative performance rating the evaluator will start from the premise that the certificated employee is proficient.

  • The performance rating must be determined by the preponderance of evidence based on an analysis of the certificated employee’s overall body of work/performance over the course of the year.
  • Evaluations must be completed by June 10.

  • Each certificated classroom teacher shall select View Report in eVAL. This captures your digital signature.

  • Each certificated non-classroom employee shall sign the evaluation form to indicate receipt.

  • The signature does not imply that the employee agrees with the contents of the report.

  • Certificated employees shall have the right to attach additional comments or a rebuttal to their final summative evaluation.
  • It's in your interest to submit evidence so that your evaluator has sufficient time to consider it when completing your evaluation. Be sure you're aware of any timelines your evaluator has set for submission of evidence.

  • Every four (4) years all certificated employees with continuing status must receive a Comprehensive Summative Evaluation. Your evaluation cycle for next year should be discussed at your end of year conference with your evaluator.
Classroom Teachers Only
Comprehensive Evaluation Scoring
The comprehensive scoring process has two separate steps: First, you will receive a 1-4 score in each of the 8 criteria. The sum of those scores becomes your summative score. This total determines your overall summative rating. Second, you receive a student growth impact rating which is based on the total of the scores received for the 5 student growth components (3.1, 3.2, 6.1, 6.2, and 8.1). These calculations are completed by eVAL.
Focused Evaluation Scoring
The focused score is the same as your most recent comprehensive score. The exception is when the most recent comprehensive score was a “3-Proficient” and the evaluator determines the focused evaluation evidence indicates a score of “4-Distinguished”. In that case, the score of “4” is awarded for the current year.
The focused evaluation does not have a separate student growth impact rating; however, a student growth goal is still determined and growth is measured.

This section is for certificated classroom teachers . You will find information to support and help you manage your summative evaluation in eVAL. 
Summative Evaluation Report in eVAL
Instead of receiving a paper evaluation to sign, you will receive your final summative evaluation via eVAL. You should receive an auto-generated email from [email protected] when your summative evaluation report is ready for you to view in eVAL. The video contains information on how to view your summative report and provide a final comment.
Saving your Work in eVAL

Reminder: For data privacy reasons, all data in eVAL from this year will be purged at the end of July 2018. There are a few different ways you can save your information currently stored in eVAL.

Create a PDF of your Summative Report
It’s recommended that you save your summative evaluation as a PDF as you will not be able to access it in eVAL next year. Once you have viewed your summative evaluation report, select the PDF symbol on the right side of the report and you will get a PDF copy you can save to your computer.

Create a Zipfile of your eVAL Account
Since you will be unable to access the information from your eVAL account next year, we highly recommend that you save all of the evidence you have uploaded into eVAL throughout the 2017-18 school year. By creating a Zipfile of the information, you will receive all your Student Growth Goals and evidence, as well as all your observation and summative evaluation reports.
Professional Growth and Educator Support (PGES)
When the 2015-2018 Collective Bargaining Agreement was negotiated, SEA and SPS agreed to develop a more collaborative evaluation process. PAR is an acronym that stands for Peer Assistance & Review and is one part of a Professional Growth and Educator Support (PGES) system which aims to attract, develop, and retain high quality teacher educators.
Our Professional Growth and Educator Support System, should it be bargained, will offer foundational coursework available to all teachers, in particular new teachers, based on the Danielson Framework, Studying Skillful Teaching , and Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain . We believe this coursework will eventually create a shared language around effective teaching in Seattle Public Schools.

More information about the Professional Growth and Educator Support system will be forthcoming in future editions of this newsletter and other communications from SEA. Your SEA building rep will receive more information at the June 11th RA.
Find More Information At:
Training Opportunities:
eVAL modules in Schoology Access Code:

Try asking someone in your building first. Who can you ask?
  • Your principal/evaluator
  • TPEP Cadre teacher (if you have one)
  • Your STAR Mentor/ Consulting Teacher
  • Colleagues
  • Your SEA building rep

Still stuck?
  • For assistance with eVAL, send your question(s) to [email protected]
  • For assistance with TPEP or the Danielson Framework, send an email to Lindsay Berger, TPEP Program Manager or Alison Bishop, TPEP PD Specialist
  • For assistance beyond your building rep, contact your SEA Uniserv Rep
Is the content of this email helpful to you?
Seattle Public Schools
Professional Growth & Development
Phone: 206-743-3542

These newsletters are archived on the HR website