The First Judicial Bar Association & Professional Programs Group Present a Roadshow on Aug. 21!
The State Bar of New Mexico's Professional Programs Group (PPG) will be hosting a free CLE in Santa Fe at the Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza on Aug. 21. In conjunction with the First Judicial District Bar Association, the PPG will host a two-hour presentation from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (MT). Attendees will receive two CLE Ethics credits. Lunch will be provided. For more information, contact Lucy River at lucyariver@gmail.com.
The UNM School of Law and UNM School of Law Alumni/ae Association Announce the 2023 Distinguished Achievement Award and Alumni Promise Award Honorees
The UNM School of Law and the UNM School of Law Alumni/ae Association are proud to announce the 2023 Distinguished Achievement Award and Alumni Promise Award honorees. The Distinguished Achievement Award honorees are (Hon) Judith K. Nakamura (Ret.), Benny Naranjo and Alicia Gutierrez. The Alumni Promise Award honoree is Larissa Lozano. The 2023 UNM School of Law and UNM School of Law Alumni/ae Association Distinguished Achievement Award Dinner will be held on Oct. 20 at the UNM Student Union Building in the ballrooms. The reception will begin at 5:30 p.m. (MT), followed by dinner and award presentations at 6:30 p.m. Tickets may be purchased on the UNM School of Law website at https://lawschool.unm.edu/. Funds go toward UNM School of Law scholarships.
New Mexico Women's Bar Association's 2023 Henrietta Pettijohn Reception
Join the New Mexico Women's Bar Association for the 2023 Henrietta Pettijohn Reception on Sept. 22 at 5:30 p.m. (MT) at Los Poblanos in Albuquerque. This year's Pettijohn Award recipient is Roberta Cooper Ramo, and the Rising Star Award recipient is Nicole Hall. For additional details regarding the event, sponsorship opportunities, ticket information, maps and bios of the award winners, please visit www.nmwba.org/henrietta-pettijohn-award-1.
The Albuquerque Bar Association Invites You to a "How To" CLE Featuring Three N.M. Supreme Court Justices
Join the Albuquerque Bar Association on Aug. 21 at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Albuquerque for a CLE titled “’How to’ Series: Practicing Before the New Mexico Supreme Court.” Co-sponsored by the State Bar of New Mexico, and featuring three New Mexico Supreme Court Justices, the CLE will go from 11:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. (MT) and will include a 1-hour CLE presentation with a lunch and a coffee hour with the Justices. Attendance for Albuquerque Bar Association members has a fee of $39, and attendance for non-members has a fee of $59. Today is the last day for pre-registration. For those unable to pre-register, the Albuquerque Bar Association will register walk-in attendees. For more information, please contact Samantha Adams at sam@adamscrow.com.
The Equity in Justice Book Club Presents: "Poverty, by America"
Join the Equity in Justice Book Club, led by State Bar of New Mexico Equity in Justice Director Dr. Amanda Parker, for five new Book Club meetings this Fall discussing Matthew Desmond's "Poverty, by America." The dates are Sept. 5, Sept. 19, Oct. 3, Oct. 10 and Oct. 24. Click the button below to register. Please contact Dr. Amanda Parker at amanda.parker@sbnm.org with any questions.
Equal Access to Justice Invites You to Celebrate the Honorable Justice Edward Chavez
Equal Access to Justice invites you to celebrate the Honorable Justice Edward Chavez on Sept. 20 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. (MT) at the State Bar of New Mexico. Marking the start of Equal Access to Justice’s 35th anniversary, this special breakfast reception will feature presentations from leaders in our community and celebrate Justice Chavez and his advocacy of civil legal aid in our community.
Join us for this memorable morning gathering to learn about the roots of legal aid in New Mexico and its continued relevance in our community today from keynote speaker, Justice Chavez. Re-connect with old friends, meet new colleagues, and be inspired to participate in the future of civil legal aid. To register for this event, please click here or call (505) 339-8096. This event is generously sponsored by Rodey Law, Modrall Sperling, and Bruce Thompson Law Firm.
Modest Means Helpline Expands Hours
The Modest Means Helpline has expanded its hours! Previously operating from 8 a.m. to noon (MT) Monday through Friday, the Modest Means Helpline is now open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (MT) daily. For more information on the Modest Means Helpline, visit https://www.sbnm.org/For-Public/Modest-Means-Helpline.
Introducing the A.I. & Economic Justice Survey
The ABA’s Civil Rights and Social Justice Section is proud to announce the release of its A.I. & Economic Justice Survey, a first-of-its-kind ABA research survey designed to identify the ways that A.I. and automation are impacting low-income and marginalized populations. Please review the ABA’s A.I. & Economic Justice webinar tutorial to learn how this survey will inform future ABA training materials and policy projects involving A.I. and automation and how you can take the survey yourself. This webinar includes introductory remarks by senior ABA members, a walk-through of the survey, and an open Q&A with the A.I. & Economic Justice team. For more information about this project and ways to get involved, contact us at CRSJ@americanbar.org. Visit the project webpage at ambar.org/ai.
Upcoming Programs from the Center for Legal Education:
Adobe Acrobat DC: The Basics for Lawyers and Legal Professionals
Texas v. New Mexico: How We Got Here and Where We Are Now
Using Trusts as an Integral Component of Elder Law Services
Important Announcements and Deadlines
State Bar Announcements and Deadlines
Court Announcements and Deadlines
Legal Community Announcements and Deadlines
Legal Clinics & Workshops
Divorce Options Workshop
Attendees will learn how to save time, money and stress at a the State Bar's free Divorce Options Workshop. The virtual workshop includes a presentation by a volunteer attorney, materials on divorce and an open question-and-answer period. This virtual event is a free community service open to the public. Workshops are held (usually) on the first Wednesday of each month from 6-8 p.m. (MT) To register please call 505-797-6022.
Consumer Debt Bankruptcy Workshop
Get answers to questions about repossessions, foreclosures, collection issues, bankruptcy and more. The free presentation includes a presentation by a volunteer attorney, an open question and answer period and a one on one consultation with an attorney. The virtual workshops occur on the fourth Wednesday of each month (except November) at 6 p.m (MT). To register please call 505-797-6094.
Legal Resources for Elderly Workshop
The Legal Resources for the Elderly Program (LREP) presents free legal workshops. Seniors, family members and others who work with seniors are invited to attend. The Legal Resources for the Elderly Program can be reached at 505-797-6005 or
MeetingBridge offers easy-to-use teleconferencing especially designed for law firms. You or your staff can set up calls and notify everyone in one simple step using our Invitation/R.S.V.P. tool. No reservations are required to conduct a call. Client codes can be entered for easy tracking. Operator assistance is available on every call by dialing *0. To take advantage of your Member Discount, please use promo code SBNM.