Profile of a
Virginia Classroom
Over a year ago, VASCD launched a project designed to answer this question:
What types of pedagogy are most important for teachers to consider as they work to promote deeper learning for all their students?

First dubbed the "Pedagogy Project", this work has now evolved to become Virginia's Profile of a Classroom. We are grateful for the support of the Virginia Department of Education and Jobs for the Future; both encouraged us and provided essential resources for the project.
Relationships. Classroom Culture. Voice and choice. Performance assessment. Five C's. Deeper Learning. Life-ready. Teaching today's students can seem overwhelming, especially to those of us who have spent the past two decades perfecting the art and science of achieving high pass rates on low-level tests. The Profile of a Classroom can guide educators in their thinking, decision making, and professional learning as they strive for deeper learning for their students.

The Profile has six components. The first is a set of Foundational Learning Principles and Pedagogies designed by four of Virginia's education thought leaders: Kristina Doubet , Shannon King , Nancy Sweat and Allison Zmuda . This short document provides a context for decision-making in classrooms by articulating some of the most important principles upon which deeper learning rests, and relating those principles to actionable pedagogies that can guide instructional decisions.
Coming soon from VASCD.... we'd love to see you there!
Like PB&J: Uniting the 5C's and SOLS to Design Meaningful Learning
with Shannon King
September 26,
Weyers Cave
Student-Centered Coaching
with Diane Sweeney and Julie Wright
September 18-19, Fredericksburg
VASCD 2019
Dec 3-5,
REL Corner:
Thanks to our partners at REL for providing this month's research-based resource list on school culture and engagement.

VASCD | | North Garden VA 22959