Half-Day Program Info: November 1st

Dear Parents & Guardians:

Thank you for enrolling your child in the November 1 (Fri) half-day program!

In the event that your plans have changed and you no longer require half-day services, please let us know so we can offer the spot to a family on the waitlist.

Otherwise, we look forward to seeing your child on Friday!

LOCATION: Blue Creek Elementary

PHONE #: 518-738-7656

HOURS: School dismissal - 6:00pm


Drive around to the rear parking lot and use the blue double doors. Knock loudly or call/text (518-738-7656) to let us know you’ve arrived.


Boght Hills - separate bus marked "CYC" (no bus #)

Forts Ferry - #108

Latham Ridge - #134

Loudonville - #111

Southgate - #111


  • Child(ren) will need lunch, snacks, and appropriate outdoor clothing.

  • Blue Creek students - instruct your child's teacher to dismiss your child to the cafeteria

  • All other students: Send a note to your child's teacher informing them that your child is registered for the CYC half-day program at Blue Creek and will take [insert bus info from above!]


  • Refunds/credits will not be issued for absences.

  • Medications: Parents/guardians are responsible for providing emergency medications (inhalers, nebulizers, epi-pens) during vacation camp. Staff may not transport medications to vacation camp. (Medication paperwork is provided through our administrative office as necessary and staff are informed of the medical needs of those enrolled.)

  • Only parents/guardians and those listed on the application will be permitted to pick up your child(ren); photo identification will be required (including parents & guardians). Note: childcare staff are not able to keep a parent/guardian from picking up their child unless there is legal documentation on file.

We look forward to serving your children!! Please let us know if you have any other questions, comments or concerns.

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